getting back to 100%

I'm almost there! I've been back at the gym doing light workouts since two weeks post op, adding time and intensity each week. Big hurdle this morning- I did a full 25 minutes on the elliptical and for the first time in probably a year, I was able to do it the way I used to- alternate three minutes of medium effort with one minute all out. No ill effects, no maxing out the pm, I feel ready to take on the world, yay!!!!! Next week is 6 weeks so I can stop babying the new lead and add back the weights.

It's been a long road. I started getting tachy when I worked out almost exactly a year ago. We adjusted the pm settings and I added fish oil and magnesium which got me active again, but never able to push it and really go all out because I'd bump my upper limit, which was set as high as my model would go. The dr convinced me to try beta blockers last fall but the first one made me dizzy and off balance, so much so that I stumbled and broke my foot while doing the amazingly difficult feat of walking across my kitchen. While I was healing from that, we found a new beta blocker that works better for me, worked up to the full dose and was feeling good again just in time for the battery to go EOL. I'm still not happy about being on meds, but it works so I won't whine. Much :o)

Anyway, my long-winded point was don't give up. Sometimes finding the right combination doesn't happen overnight or easily, but don't lose faith that it can happen.


You are soooo right!!

by painthorse - 2010-03-01 01:03:29

I am so happy to read your update! I swear, I don't know how I made it without this site!

Have a great day!



by Loopy Lou - 2010-03-01 01:03:46

That's my girl!! xxx


by qwerty - 2010-03-01 03:03:08

Thanks for the update.... You have certainly been an inspiration to me. Glad you are doing so well. I hope you will continue to challenge all of us to live without "thinking" about our PMs....


that's awesome

by Angelie - 2010-03-01 03:03:20

Welcome back to the real world, girl.

Just like me, I'm doing great and getting back on track. Two weeks post op and everyday getting better. My incision looks great (dermabond just came off) and my pacer is still tucked in under my muscle- out of sight.

I've been through the ringer, but know what you mean. Don't give up. The "fix" certainly didn't come easy for me, but don't give's out there somewhere.

I Couldn't Agree More

by Bionic Man - 2010-03-01 06:03:47

You're so right when you say never give up. This whole thing is a battle. I'm back to about 95%. It's been almost two years. As crazy as it sounds all the struggling and the ups and downs has made me a stronger person.
We can never give up the fight,


by pacergirl - 2010-03-01 07:03:38

You have always been, and I do believe, a continuing wonderful inspiration to me and many others.

You bring smiles to my face, giggles to my tummy and joy to my heart. You also showed me how to appreciate a Cosmo!

You are truly a Pacer Chick and I love you!

<:-) Me wearing my party hat today because I feel like it! yippee!!!!!! My goodness I could enjoy a Cosmo right now if I had one he he

Keep it up, Tracey!

by GMan - 2010-03-02 09:03:43

Sounds great!!! What do you feel the magnesium does for you? I may want to add it.



by Tracey_E - 2010-03-02 10:03:38

Magnesium is supposed to be good for arrhythmia in general. I started it the same time as the fish oil and the difference was subtle- hr less likely to shoot up with minimal exertion. I don't even know that I can attribute it to that, it didn't happen overnight so it's hard to tell. I found all the natural solutions I could and tried it for a few months before moving on to the beta blockers. A minimal dose of beta blockers totally got rid of the problem, but I stayed on the supplements because the cardio and his np both said they were good for me.

Susie, you are too much!! Passing you a cosmo. (Yeah, I know, it's still early but what the heck, it goes with your red hat!)


by FirstDuely - 2010-03-02 12:03:45

Good to hear you are getting back to "normal" ;)
I, too, take Magnesium (400mg/day) now and fish oil plus my daily vit/min with iron. It seems to reduce or eliminate the "thumping" pre-beats I was getting. I have been taking Levothyroxin for years for hypothyroidism and started taking Norvasc and Atacand for high BP the last two years of teaching. I have since retired (last June at 59) so am trying to get a doctor to let me test dropping one or both BP meds. I think they cause the pre-beats to happen and thus the need for added Magnesium. Still working on resolving this issue. Meanwhile, I ride my bike every other day and have been doing about 50 miles each ride and will work up to 60, time permitting. I will ride the Hemet Century in April so training for that.
Again, glad you've improved and wish you the best.

Another Gary
Hemet, CA


by GMan - 2010-03-03 09:03:53

Thank you for your answer and all you write! Keep it up. If I could I would give you a long slow Bear Hug(with Hubbys permission) Keep on keeping on!


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