Do most of you have an electrophysiologist or just a regular cardiologist? I was diagnosed in '70, before I think there was such a specialty. It never occurred to me to change to a doctor in the subspecialty.


EP only

by Harry'sMommy - 2008-07-19 11:07:01

My son (age 5, diagnosed at 6 mos., implanted at 18 mos.) only has an electrophysiologist. This is probably because he has no other heart problems at this time?(He has no structural deformities at all, just "wiring issues"--a bit rare in young children with pacemakers. Most that we know of have multiple problems, not just heartblock.) We are fortunate to have a large, high quality children's hospital in our city with lots of generalists and specialists. I suppose if something else goes with his heart, we'll acquire another specialist, or maybe a general cardiologist to "tie it all together"?
Not sure if this info helps at all--just thought I'd give you some feedback from our experiences!
Good luck!
Harry's Mommy

EP only

by Stacey28 - 2008-07-19 11:07:36

When I was younger I had just a cardiologist from the children's hospital in our area but when last year I started having Atrial Fibrillation and fell through the cracks at the children's hospital. It was then decided after getting the care I needed that I would only be seen by a electrophysiologist.
I have just electrophysiologist. I have had a pacemaker for a year now. I also have other heart issuess that my such as repair of a hole in my heart and a leaky mitral valve. I am also fortunate to have a really good hospital and if I have any problems I can find another doctor to go to. I hope that this information helps.
Good Luck


by boatman50 - 2008-07-20 07:07:53

At first I only had the cardiologist. After continued trouble he sent me to an EP, best move I ever made. The EP seems to know so much more about the pacer, its settings and how it all comes together.
Good luck with whatever you do, Boatman

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