new pacemaker

I had my pacemaker planted 3 waaks ago, since than I feel funy.I feel pulsation in my abdomen and some discomfort in my chest. when I went to the doctor he checked everything and said i was Ok. I feel like this is not OK! Thas anyone have similar problems?


give it some time!

by bambi - 2008-07-19 11:07:02

Hi Martika,
Things are still settling down just 3 weeks from your surgery. I'm glad your Dr. checked you out and said things were ok. Did he check the leads? Sometimes when a person feels pulsation in the abdomen, a lead has come loose. Welcome to the club. I hope you heal quickly and start enjoying feeling healthier! What was the reason[s] you got your pacemaker?Take care, and don't hesitate to see your Dr. again if your symptoms don't resolve themselves!


by pete - 2008-07-20 02:07:53

You need to have your pacemaker adjusted to stop the pulsating sensation. It may not go away completely after adjustment but time should help. I had the same problem.

Stomach pacing

by ams1986 - 2008-07-20 03:07:52

I agree that you need to give it time. When I first got mine, it was like I could feel it giving my heart the juice a couple times everyday for the first 3 months. Once I adjusted to it, it went away. Maybe 3-4 times a week I get that feeling still, but it's nothing like it used to be. And something to consider, I told my doctor it was uncomfortable and described the feeling for my first 3 month check up, and he had the St Jude rep make some small changes. I think that paired with just adjusting to it helped. Good luck!


by Smart Redd - 2008-07-20 10:07:47

If your pulsation feels like a hic-cup without the hic it could be that one lead is affecting your diaphragm. For me the result was something even my husband could feel. After some persistent 'complainting' the doctor -- who said nothing was wrong since the leads were all in the right place. . . get over it -- he called a Metronic rep who made a few adjustments that pretty much did the trick. Being a squeaky wheel is a good thing when you're an ICD newbie! Good wishes.

No chest discomfort for me, so I can't contribute there.

Love, Red

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