Hi, I am very pleased to have found this message board!

Hello everyone, I am a female, I have a long standing history of heart disease on both sides of my family. My first heart attack was when I was thirty-two which left me with extensive heart damage. I have CHF, and recent diagnosis of COPD. I had a Pasemaker/defibrillator, 2 leads implanted on February 14, 2008 "on Valentines Day" I have tremendous pain in my arm, shoulder and neck. I had a venogram and blood clots were discovered two weeks ago. Long story. It is just too late for me to go into it. I will post soon when I am feeling better. I have a story to tell. I am pleased that I found this web site and message board and hope I can make a contribution to you all as well as gain some needed insight.
Best to you all,


Welcome ;-)

by pacergirl - 2008-06-24 08:06:27

Welcome Dee,
You will find many different personalities here as well as all sorts of heart problems. You will find a ton of support and some very caring people as well.
I look forward to getting to know you and hearing your story. You will find people here of all ages, some in your age group, some younger.
I hope you are feeling better soon and that the pain in your arm, shoulder and neck begins to fade.
Take care, welcome!

Welcome, Dee

by VIOLIN - 2008-06-24 09:06:49

Happy to have a new member. this is a great resource for support and information. many of us have been through various and interesting experiences with heart disease and arrhythmias but all of us have each other to bounce off ideas, questions and support. welcome!


by bambi - 2008-06-24 11:06:28

My goodness Dee, you've been through a lot! I too would like to welcome you! You will find lots of support here. I had a venogram last Wednesday to diagnose another blockage in my subclavian vein and had a venoplasty done to open it up. I had a severe blockage in my SVC two years ago which now has a stent in it. My blockages are not clot related, but seem to be from scar tissue build up! I really hope you will get a break from your medical issues so you can enjoy your life! It's so hard when you have multiple problems! I hope you have a great day! Sometimes it's best to take it 1 day at a time!

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You always run anti-virus software.

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I feel so blessed to have this little gem implanted in me. When I think of the alternative it is quite overwhelming sometimes.