Can I go Back to my job?

Hello all,
I have used the search for people going back to work and am coming up with conflicting opinions.
I am a Paramedic. I was told by my EP it would probably be difficult....but he wasn't sure if it was possible or not to return to work.
I was worried about the lifting under all kinds of weird circumstances....and I never know where I might land on a call! I can't refuse treatment to someone..who is in an auto body shop..or any other place where there might be things I shoild not be around.....but I did read where somone said they were going back to work on an ambulance.

Here is what I read earlier on Medtronics site.....It is not safe to be around radios.(two way or cb type) that are mounted in vehicles or portable radios.
Our ambulance have high powered radios and I am required to carry one and use it.

Has anyone else been able to return to this type of work? I never even thought about the Radios!

Thanks, Holly


re:going back to work

by seeker581 - 2008-08-03 01:08:23

Going back to work all is a part of resuming your post-pm routine.Of course everything depends on the type of work you do,and how well you feel at the time.In my case,being a baker I can no longer do the heavy lifting,pulling bowls around.Consequently I moved into the training administration department too avoid the chance of hurting myself.But I feel like I'm making a contribution too my job training all the new bakers being hired.Hope everthing works out well for you.Take care



by elleinad23 - 2008-08-03 09:08:38

I am a paramedic and I know that there are a few others here also. I had a dual chamber pacer placed in 05'. It was a little bit before I could return to work (partially because of complications) but I work and have been ok.

I had a fear of what happens if I get shocked by someone with an ICD. Only 3 joules, but would it mess up my PM. Well that happned a few months ago and I just called and they did a phone check and I was fine.

When I called Guidant about the whole radio thing. They said as long as it is 12in away (mounted unit in rig). They also told me the portable wasnt strong enough to interfere, but not to wear a shoulder mic.

I have had a few issues lately, heart but not PM related that have caused my cardio to have concerns about my ability to continue on as a paramedic. So if your pacer has fixed your heart problems, then I would say go for it, if the dr will let you try it!

Hope this helps. Feel free to email if you have any other questions!


Danielle.....Thank you

by LIVE_STRONG - 2008-08-03 12:08:47

I don't think my doctor will say yes or no....I think he's ridin the fence on this one. He doen't want to tell me no...but feels I may run into trouble.
What I am more afraid my employer saying no! I know they will run it by med control and there insurance company.....thats who I think will take a look at it and say no.
I guess I will find out next week.

Thank You, Holly

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