re: why??

Sorry, for the earlier post.. I got up on wrong side of bed this morning..I just wanted to get that off my chest...tomorrow will be 6 months ago that I died during the EP study and brought back, so you could say I'll be 6 months old tomorrow, and on wednesday I'll be 45 yrs. old.



It happens

by Pookie - 2008-06-16 03:06:14

It happens to all of us, don't be sorry. It's good for you to get things out.

So, happy birthday and happy birthday.


Why To Why

by SMITTY - 2008-06-16 03:06:21

Hello Cory,

Don't aploogize. We all have those feelings from time to time. And becasue I write so slow, below is my reply to your first message. I completed that while offline and did not know you had come back with this one.

Only your doctor can tell you what "not going to restrict what life I have left" is supposed to mean.

It does sound as if you have a plate full. As for the blocked and partially blocked arteries, I can tell you what that meant for me. But first I want to repeat what I am saying is what that meant for me and since we are all different it does not necessarily mean anything close to what your experience will be.

I had a blocked coronary artery and I had a heart attack. An angiogram was done following my heart attack and they decided bypass surgery was in my best interest. I ended up with a quadruple bypass procedure. The 100% blocked artery, two that were about 90% blocked and one that was about 70% blocked were bypassed. That was 26 years ago and I'm still kicking, not very high, but I can still get one foot off the ground most of the time.

Based on what you say and what little I know about these things, I would say right now you are kind of between a rock and a hard place. When I had my surgery, they did not like to do a bypass for just one artery unless it was truly a life or death situation. Also, I was told that less than 50% blockage did not warrant intervention, but it did need to be watched. Your problems, other than blocked arteries, could very well make you such a high risk for surgery that it would not be in your best interest to go in and try fixing things.
I'm sure you have heard the old saying "let sleeping dogs lie" well that could be your situation. You have problems that have been identified, but, probably, nobody really knows how long it took these problems to develop or how long before intervention becomes urgent. So the doctor thinks it is better to wait a while and see what may be developing before going further.

In my case it took 53 years for my artery blockage to develop to the point I needed help. Then it was 20+ years before some of my bypasses became blocked enough that I had to have stents implanted to reopen them. Bypass artery blockage was in spite of my taking the cholesterol lowering medicines. Which reminds me, you may not be on one of the cholesterol lowering medicines because your cholesterol is already low enough without treatment. Do you know your cholesterol level?

Apparently some people with high cholesterol are at greater risk of having blocked arteries, but that is not a prerequisite for this problem. My cholesterol was at about 250, which was the high end of acceptable in 1982, when I had my surgery, and had never been any higher. It was some 15 years before the doctors decided I should be taking medicine to lower my cholesterol and it is now 135 to 150. Yet I continue to have blocked arteries for which I get stents.

But, again, have a heart to heart talk with your doctor about your heart problems and ask the details on the decisions that been made about your treatment.

Good luck,


PS Happy Birthday


by verger - 2008-06-16 07:06:55

believe me i know it's tough
i just turned 3 and all 3 years have been rough
we all feel the same so don't feel ashamed
you may want to talk to another doctor if this one doesn't feel it's necessary to restrict your lifesyle and provide you with the proper medication
good feelings and feel lucky you were able to get to the computer to let that tirade out...keep the anger coming along with the love


Any mood acceptable

by harley63 - 2008-06-17 08:06:47


Just spit it out.. we'll all eyes here. Just know that your NOT alone with your thoughts and feelings. We maybe not visible to you, but we are 100% here to listen, support and encourage you.

I got my coffee cup and am waiting for the next topic.. keep on keeping on


Zombie, Dude...where is the answer

by gldoble - 2008-06-17 12:06:22


If anyone knows exactly how you feel its me. 51 had the same thing and the same machine placed. I am a prime candidate for SCD, so. Both docs have said do what you can and enjoy your life....

I asked both what they ment and they said uhmmm.

I have also had a major melt down and am coming out of it now. I travel for work and put up with a lot of BS in my life and a lot of good things. None of know when these little tinker toys are going to fail or something else is going to go wrong with our bods. So I took thier advice. I keep my weight down, do drink on occasion wiped out salt from my diet and just keep on plugg'n. I have my coffee as usual and drive the drive every day.

The NP and my regualr caridologist say you need to take it easy and retire. Right.... 3 kids 10,10,5 and
a future for them to look out for. What I find amazing is that for the most part I am enjoying my life, but...
there are times I think maybe it would have been better to not have gotten up off the table. But then I think of my kids. So...

If you want to rant and rave go for it dude, I have found that the majority of folks like Smitty & Harley are more firmly planted them me. And here I thought I had my S#$% together. But its good to know that there are folks out there that are really concerned. Not docs or NPs or Nurses. But folks like you and me.

So enjoy what you have, and don't worry about tomorrow
cause its gonna come whether or not we are here. But when it does come enjoy the c$#@ out of it. And then go to bed know you have lived and made the world a little better for being here.

So dude........keep on pluggn. And when you want to dump go right ahead. We are all here for you. As they were here for me.


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