Heart industry abbreviations

It has been a little over a month since I last posted this list.
Comments, corrections and revisions are welcome.
This is a club list, so copy and use it.


Heart Industry Abbreviations

ACE inhibitor = A C E , ACE inhibitors are a type of medication that dilates (widens) the blood vessels to improve the amount of blood the heart pumps.?
AF or A Fib = Atrial Fibrillation
ApVp = Atrial Paced Ventricle Paced, This is the rate response mode
ApVs = Atrial paced Ventricle sensed
ARB = Angiotensin II Receptor Blocker: ARBs are used to decrease blood pressure in people with heart failure.
AsVp = Atrial sensed Ventricle paced
AsVs = Atrial sensed Ventricle sensed
AV = AtrioVentricular
BB = Beta Blocker, Beta-blockers block the effects of adrenaline (epinephrine) which can improve the heart's ability to perform
BBB= Bundle Branch Block
BP = Blood Pressure
BPM = Beats Per Minute, might see it at B/M
BRADY = Bradyarrhythmia or Bradycardia (slow heartrate)
CCB = Calcium Channel Blockers: Calcium channel blockers are prescribed to treat angina (chest pain) and high blood pressure. high blood
CHF = Congestive Heart Failure
CHD = Coronary Heart Disease
CHD = Congenital Heart Defect
COPD = Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
CPR = Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation
CT = Cardiothoracic surgeon
DFT = DeFibrillation Threshold ??
DHF = Diastolic Heart Failure
DVT = Deep Vein Thrombosis. ( Blood Clot )
ECG or EKG = Electrocardiogram
EMI: Electromagnetic Interference;
EF = Ejection Fraction
EP = ElectroPhysiologist (type of cardiologist sort of a heart electrician)
GB = Good Bye uttered during the 10-15 seconds after your heart stops and before losing consciousness. (:, from ElectricFrank, thanks Frank for keeping it light
GERD = ???
HB = Heart Block
HOCM = Hypertrophic Obstructive Cardimyopathy, also known as IHSS
HR = Heart Rate in beats per minute
ICD = Implantable Cordioverter Defibrillator, scientific name
ICD = Implantable Cardio Device, common name
ICD = Implantable Cardio Defibrillator, slang
ICD = I Can't Die, from Medtees
IHSS = Idiopathic Hypertrophic Subaortic Stenosis
IST = Inappropriate Sinus Tachycardia
LBBB = ? Left Bundle Branch Block ???
LHM = Latitude Heart Monitor
LHHM = Latitude Home Heart Monitor
LVNC = Left Ventricular Noncompaction
LQTS = Long QT Syndrome
MUGA test = MUlti Gaited Acquisition to check the motion of the left ventricle wall, etc." also known 'the wall motion test', another just another variation of the echo cardiogram, I think it is a procedure by which they can an get a more accurate readout on a person's ejection fraction, among other things. Smitty
NCS = Neuro-Cardiogenic Syncope
PA = Physician Assistant
PAB = Premature Atrial Beats
PAC = Premature Atrial Contraction
PFO = Patent Foramen Ovale
PO = Pulse Oximeter
POTS = Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome, a form of dysautonomia
PM = Pacemaker
PMT = Pacemaker Mediated Tachycardia
PSVT = Praxysmal Supraventricular Tachycardia, proxysmal = starting and stopping suddenly, supraventricular = originating above the ventricles
PVC = Premature Ventricular Contraction
QT = Q and T are points on an ECG / EKG - they're not short for anything
RAL = Right Atrial
RVL = Right Ventricle
RV Pacing = Right Ventricle Pacing
SBR = Sudden Brady Response
SSS = Sick Sinus Syndrome
SVT = Supraventricular Tachycardia
SCA = Sudden Cardiac Arrest
SCD = Sudden Cardiac Death
SA = Sinoatrial
TACHY = Tachyarrhythmia or Tachycardia (fast heartrate)
VF = Ventricular Fibrillation
VT = ventricular tachycardia
VVS = Vaso-Vagal Syncope
WPW = ?

also see: the bottom of the FAQ's page on www.zaplife.org for abbreviations and definitions



by Pookie - 2008-09-24 04:09:16

thanks charlie


WPW = ?

by Peter.Nash - 2008-09-24 05:09:27

Wolff-Parkinson-White Syndrome.

Very Helpful

by BatteryOperated - 2008-09-24 05:09:39

This list should be posted in the FAQ's. It is not obvious that you can find it in the Zappers link.

Thanks Charlie

Another one

by Katie - 2009-02-05 09:02:52

GERD - Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease
I saw the acronym not the definition...

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