hi im new to this! i am 15 and got a pacemaker 3 weeks ago today! this was because i recently went from 1st degree AV block to 3rd degree. is there any advice for a new pacemaker holder?? any thing is helpful! also if anyone had DR. Fish from vanderbilt so did i?


Hi Kelsie

by jenh - 2008-05-11 03:05:14

Welcome to the Pacemaker Club! I got my first pacemaker, also for AV block, when I was 11. I really wish there had been something around like this group then! I felt really alone. In fact, I didn't talk to another person with a pacemaker until I joined this group last year and I'm now 35.

One thing I've noticed having a pacemaker in my teens and twenties, is that I've never taken my health for granted the way a lot of younger people do. I've always been really into eating well and exercising, because I want to be as healthy as I possibly can. In my life I've had many great active jobs -- camp counselor, ski instructor, kayak guide. Even now that I work a desk job, I still really try to live each day to the fullest because I realize I've been given a gift!

Anyway, I've certainly had some struggles over the years with surgery complications and settings not quite right, but all in all, having a pacemaker has been a good thing. I hope that you'll find this is true for you too.

Take good care,

Good start!

by ElectricFrank - 2008-05-11 12:05:56

First off you have it right..it is an AV block, not a heart block.
We both have the same thing except that I am 78. The AV block is the easiest type to live with. The big advantage is that your own natural pacemaker is still controlling you atrial beat in response to exercise so all the pacer has to do is use it to pace the ventricles. Properly adjusted you should have a pretty much normal heart response. Even at my age I hike in the mountains at 13,000' with no more limitation than I had before the block.
Be sure and ask for a print out of your pre and post checkups each time. Look them over to be sure they do not have Rate Response turned on. It will try to tell your good working natural pace what to do and the battle between them is not a nice thing.
If you have any more questions post them here or send me a private note.


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