Another new update...

I finally met with another cardiologist. He said that he feels that if the medicine is not helping my only option to feel better at this point is a PM. I am scheduled for surgery next week and now my nerves are running on high octane. I am excited to feel better finally and have my energy back and I am also optimistic the surgery will go smoothly but still nervous


You are going to feel better

by lrrn567 - 2008-05-10 12:05:08

Hi BriBoy01, being nervous is very natural. I just go my pacemaker two weeks ago and don't remember the last time that I felt this good. Don't listen to horror stories because they will only make you more nervous.
I am a school crossing guard here in Ct. I would get up in the morning (even using my CPAP) and feel tired. Dragged myself around to get ready for work, after my morning post, I would head right back home and put on my pj's and head for bed. Alarm went off at 11 am in time for my next post. Back again after that, set my alarm and go back for the afternoon post. This went on for months. I didn't think much more than I had no life.
I would get 'low blood sugar crashes' and was diagnosed with Type II Diabetes. Since my pacemaker has been put in----NONE of these symptoms have appeared!!!!!!!!
I don't have the restless leg syndrome that I hear about on TV advertisements, either.
So,,,,,,get a move on.....I will say many prayers for you that you get the support that you need to face this decision. IT IS THE RIGHT MOVE.....And by the way, I can now take deep breaths and sing in church without running out of breath for the first time in years. I dont sing any better but have the breath to do it. Ha Ha.

You know you're wired when...

You prefer rechargeable batteries.

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It made a HUGE difference in my life. Once I got it, I was finally able to run, and ride my bike long distances.