Feeling Blue

Okay, I gotta spill my guts....I'm feeling blue and really really low. What's with that? Must be the weather? My pacemaker is working well, I don't feel it at all, so it can't be that as I haven't had problems with it for like 2 years now.

No new meds. Family life perfect. But recently diagnosed with Colitis and have lost 38 pounds. I am now 117 pounds which is considered underweight as I'm 5 feet 6.5 inches tall...so perhaps thats whats getting me down. I dunno. Just thought I'd vent.

Someone come to the chat room and cheer me up!




by jessie - 2008-09-30 08:09:46

i am in the chatroom trying to cheer you up. poor thing. not funny. it will be okay. if you see this comeback okay?

Hi Pookie,

by Neat - 2008-10-01 07:10:43

Sorry to hear your spirits are low, I know that feeling ~ but, you know this yourself without me telling you ~ it will pass, just like the weather, there has to be rainy days and sunshine to make a perfect flower.

Hope your feeling better soon Pookie, and I'll try and catch you in the chat room again!

Lots of love, Neat xx

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