Too cute! Too young?

  • by Smart Redd
  • 2008-09-21 11:09:57

When visiting my B-I-L in the hospital we met his heart surgeon. After he left, someone commented that he sure was cute. "Yes, he looks good", I replied, "but he doesn't look any older than my paper boy."

There was a loud burst of laughter from behind the curtains of the other cubical. Two nurses peeked in to say that, while everyone agreed he was a good surgeon, they felt the same way about his looking young. They just never heard it put so well..

Love, Redd


How silly!

by ela-girl - 2008-09-21 01:09:05

This is such a great story! We women have to stick together! LOL

Here's to the Doogie Howser's of the world!


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