av node ablation

I had an AV node ablation performed for supra-ventricular tachycardia. It was done at Columbia Pres. in N,Y, back in 1990. The ablation was done several times over several days because it simply would not "hold'. My back was totally burned from these repeated ablations and of couse I then needed a pacemaker because I was in heart block. Although I am a nurse this was all Greek to me since I worked in the Public Heath field. I don't know what damage those ablations had on my heart or more specifically the coronary artery but after that , in 1992 I had to have further ablations done at Beth Israel and another at Cooper Med. Center. The In termedic pacer I had was re-called and I had it replaced with a Medtrornic in 1992. Since then I have had 2 two more replacements. Since I am suposedly "totally dependent" on the device it does not have a long life span and I am told that the Intermedic leads drain the Medtronic battery faster. I still have "flutters" and the like and get nervous but thats life ! I certainly worry about the future and the need for a change of the lead wires--my last replacement I looked like I had had a fight with Mohammed Ali--totally black and blue--bruised beyond belief due to scar tissue ? Well I just had to get all of that off my chest after all these years--I just found this site and thought it might be intereasting to share. All of our trials and tribulatioons sure beat the alternative, Good Luck and Good Health to All Annie



by axg9504 - 2008-03-25 02:03:39

I've only had one ablation so I'm not any expert on this subject. I went in for an EP study so that the doc could evaluate my conduction. He was able to induce an atrial flutter and ablated it. I don't think he should have done that based on what my current doc told me because it was induced and not seen on any of my monitoring studies. At any rate, I am amazed to hear that you had burns on your back?? I don't think this is possible from what I know of ablation which is usually RF(radio frequency) and delivers a small concentrated amount of energy to a very small area.

It is absolutely possible.

by Stepford_Wife - 2008-03-25 10:03:06

I don't doubt for one minute that Annie had burns all over her back. For one thing, it was the 1990's, and ablation procedure was very new. For another, she had repeated ablations over the course of several days. If you know what it does to the inside of your heart, you'll believe it as much as I do.
Today, they wait a few months to give you time to recuperate, before they barbecue you again.
I had 4 ablations, over the course of 2 years, 03 and 04, which didn't work too long, and finally AV node ablation, and a pacemaker as a last resort, from too much damage to the heart muscle caused by the repeated ablations.
It may be a small concentration of energy, to a very small area, as far as you are concerned axg9504, you only had one, and apparently it worked for you, and I'm happy for you, but I saw the burned spots on the inside of my heart, and there were hundreds.
My EP gave me copies of the maps printouts, as a "souvenir." I am 100% dependent on my pacemaker, still have incessant flutters, and now function on only one lead, my atrial lead was turned off, as it wasn't able to interrupt the rhythm disturbance, but was trying to match it instead, probably in an attempt to stop it.
Annie, you have my sympathies, I know how you feel.
Welcome to the site, and thank you for sharing your story.
Take care,

~ Dominique ~

Welcome Annie!

by Swedeheart - 2008-03-25 12:03:30

Welcome Annie,

I am new to the pacemaker world (4 weeks since implant) and it is always nice to know there are others who are "seasoned" here and can tell their story and understand how this all affects us!

Sounds like you are a "survivor" and this is good. The change of lead wires is a bit scary for many (sure will be for me when the time comes...) but the procedures are getting better all the time, I believe. I am hoping by the time I need a replacement they will have perfected it all. :) Who knows!

There is lots of good information on this site and a lot of very nice folks.

Good Health to you!

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I am just grateful to God that I lived long enough to have my ICD put in. So many people are not as lucky as us; even though we sometimes don't feel lucky.