Recent Pm in

New to the site--finding out alot of info. I just had my pm put in 2 weeks ago. When i tell people they say no way bc i appear to be a very healthy 21 year old...which i thought i was. I also am taking toprol and wondering if any of u had side effects to this medication and is there another med i could be on instead


Recent PM In

by MHCHAMPION - 2008-03-05 10:03:30

Welcome! I've had my PM a little over 2 years now and have been on Toprol XL 25 once a day for that long as well.
To my knowledge I've had no side effects from the Toprol.
My PM is pacing at 50% and I got a good report last week at my 6 month check up.
Take care and keep on pacing!


by ela-girl - 2008-03-06 01:03:45

Hi, sweetness.

I HATE Toprol!!! In fact, I've been on Toprol XL at 50mg daily for about 5 years and have been given the okay to go off it. YAY! I go back to my EP in April to have my pacer checked to make sure everything is going A-OK without it. I have had my pacemaker 1.5 years now. I, too, am fairly young at 30. Toprol tends to have worse side effects for men than women. For me, I had a slight itching always with it at night and very cold hands/feet. It also made me feel sluggish or like I was living in a fog. My EP told me there are literally about a thousand different beta-blockers to, if you are having issues with the Toprol (it doesn't seem to be working or you are having side effects you don't like), you should be able to try another until you find one that suits you. Just know that it is a lot of trial and error. You don't say why you're taking the Toprol???? Is it for the beta-blocking effects or for high BP?

Welcome to the site...let us know how you are faring.
Happy Pacing!

PS: You can look up Toprol side effects on Web MD or Toprol's actual web site.


by Butch - 2008-03-06 02:03:52

I have been on Cozaar for a while now.. I had trouble with toprol too. There are alot of meds you can try instead. I never had Hi BP till I got my PM.

Take it easy for a few weeks. :)


by stable - 2008-03-10 01:03:17

I had been on Toprol before my PM for a weak heart muscle condition. I never had any negative reaction or side effects. When my PM was inserted my cardiologist and my electrophisiologist both terminated the Toprol. All has been OK. My Pm was inserted in May 2007.

Generic didn't work

by sweetness - 2008-06-19 08:06:00

I started taking brand name toprol xl at 12.5 mg once a day-all my normally low bp could handle...I'm taking it for episodes of a-fib, well when it was switched to generic all the symptoms i was having came back so today my cardiologist wrote it for brand name only-hopefully it will improve. Has anyone been pregnant with a pm and with a-fib? I know I must take a beta-blocker and the risk with pregnancy-- I work in labor and delivery full time. Any experiences would be great. I'm planning on getting married next year and starting a family.

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