Decisions, decisions..PM??

Hi, 2 years ago at age 30 I had a Heart attack, had 2 stents put in. Six months later had to have a triple bypass surgery. Ever since then feeling better but not really good.
Lately at age 32, started having problems with shortness of breath, dizzy spells etc. When got checked, my Ejection Fraction came out only 31,and some rythm problems were detected. So I was told to have a PM implanted. Can please someone tell me what`s the pros and cons, and how is life after it, especially job etc? and Please also Pray for me. Thanks.



by Seska - 2008-03-05 06:03:55


I'm 32 and have had my pacemaker for 4 years, I can honestly say I forget my pacemaker is even there most of the time! I have both bradycardias and tachycardias (for which I've had ablations for some of them), the pacemaker has also been really useful for monitoring my episodes of tachy and AFib.

Pacemakers rarely affect your job (unless you happen to be an arc-welder or work in areas with other equipment which would affect it - your doctor can advise you on that). I used to work as a cardiac technician and I went right back to work about a week after mine was implanted.

good luck and I hope your pacemaker surgery goes well,


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