Dec. 13 2007 I had a Guidant ICD implanted. Within a week I had to have the a hematoma on the site evacuated. Since that time I have had pain (level 8-10) at the site each morning and pain (level 3-6) during each day. I actually do feel better after the installtion of the defib' except for the site pain.
The installation physician can give me no help and has dismissed me back to my Cardiologist. His only solution was to remove the difib'. Relocating he said was out of the question because the danger of introducing "infection"? Has any one reading this had a similar problem or have had to relocate a defib'? George


Don't put up with it.

by ElectricFrank - 2008-02-26 08:02:38

Ask for a referral to a different surgeon to check on your implant. There is no excuse for a doc to simply brush you off with that kind of pain. Not only is it uncomfortable, but if there is still infection in the pacer pocket it could eventually spread and cause some real problems for you.
I know it isn't easy, but you will likely need to get aggressive about getting it fixed.

good luck,

re: why do I hurt

by VonnieVern - 2008-02-26 10:02:05

I don't have a defibrillator, but had "unexplainable pain" after my pacemaker surgery and my cardiologist and cardiothoracic surgeon did nothing but suggest more surgery (relocating or removing the pacemaker). Sometimes more surgery is needed, but I didn't think that was the best thing to try first in my case. I let my internal medicine doctor know how much pain I was in, and he looked for other answers for alleviating my pain, and also talked to my cardiologist about the NECESSITY of trying to find something to help relieve my pain. I believe that those involved in making the decision for you to get an implanted device are ethically obligated to help you resolve the problems that may stem from that decision. Try any or all of these sugestions, as may best suit you:

Tell your doctors that as long as you are feeling pain you are not sure something isn't wrong so you need and/or expect them to keep looking for an answer until you find one.

Go to another doctor for a 2nd opinion.

Talk to your non-cardiac physician.

If you were referred to the doctors involved in your surgery by another doctor, go back to that doctor.

Ask any doctor involved in your healthcare for a referral to another doctor.

Ask for something for pain relief when you're experiencing the worst pain, with the expectation of eliminating it's use as your pain improves.

If the doctors involved in your pacemaker surgery will not try to help you, let them know that perhaps you need to explore the posibility that your pain comes from something that wasn't done correctly in the surgery itself.

Call the patient care representative at the hospital where you had your surgery and explain your situation.

Hope you get some help soon.


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I’m healthy as a horse because of the pacemaker.