pacemaker syndrome

Hey everybody,
I have a question then a site to give you. Friday while I was talking on the phone I felt a tiny little pop in my chest midline just below the sternum followed by a searing burning pain that started out the size of a small pin prick to about the size of a half dollar. Before I could even say the words out loud "wow that was stange" I felt just like I did when my hr was 280 and blacked out to the same way it felt when they turned off my pm (to check me ) and my hr fell to 30. It was so bad I told the person on the phone to call 911 because I thought something really bad happend one of the leads. I ended up in the er, of course, and felt terrible. The chest exray showed no displacement in the leads. My bp shot extemely high during all of this and then by the end of the evening it had come back down to normal . The er doc spoke to my ep over the phone and he feels like I have "pacemaker syndrome". I looked it up on the internet only to find a few symptoms the same ie; shortness of breath and dizziness. Some of you might want to look at these sites and see if they correlate with how you feel.If you go to these sites some are very complicated but if you keep looking some are easier to understand. Has anybody else had the same symptoms I had , has anybody else spoken to their doc about pm syndrome? Has anybody found help for it?
This is another question for the ep rep. I will let you all know what happens.



by Mary Thompson - 2008-03-08 09:03:26

When was your pm put in? I had a terrible problem about 2 months after I received my first pm. It involved a surgical error where the md had gone through a layer of the heart muscle and I had terrible pain, awful ekgs and it took about 2 months to work itself out. I thought that i was dying but that was 6 years ago.


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But I think it will make me feel a lot better. My stamina to walk is already better, even right after surgery. They had me walk all around the floor before they would release me. I did so without being exhausted and winded the way I had been.