PM & golf

Well, my PM was put in at the right time! After the postponement from last week my bp & heart rate were fine. After I got home yesterday from the insertion I was around 75-82 heart rate; when I checked before going to bed, I was like 140/74 and heart rate was 60! The PM was pacing. If I had not been one to believe in prayers (which I am) I sure would be now! (Boy, this one hand pecking is different!)

Anyway, a question for golfers; any ideas as to how long you really have to wait before playing golf? I had the one lead model inserted and that may or may not make a difference?

Thanks, duggie



by Lotti - 2008-02-23 04:02:12


I waited 6 months before going to the driving range, but I did have a really sore shoulder after implantation. I don't know if you would have to wait this long. My suggestion is to start with swinging in your garden a bit more each time. You'll know when to stop!!!
I would definately not start for about 3 months though just to give your body a good chance to bed your leads and box properly.
Of course a call to your tech might give you some ansers to this as well, I bet someone there plays golf and would be able to advise.
Enjoy it when you get back into it.

Ask you Dr.

by bowlrbob - 2008-02-23 08:02:55

I was given a full release after exactly 30 days. I wnt back to work (very heavy lifting) overhead everything. I was 63 yo at that time. But everyone is different and all Drs. are different so be sure and get the Drs. release. Bowlrbob

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Today I explained everything to my doctor, he set my lower rate back to 80 and I felt an immediate improvement.