Sensitive to food/drink

I was wondering if anyone is really sensitive to eating foods high in sugar, salt and caffeine. I will notice my pacemaker working harder and feel anxious. I use to think it was just the caffeine however sprite that is caffeine free also makes me feel this way. Is it that I'm just sensitive to my body??



by zapper - 2008-01-20 12:01:24

Hi Holly, Just wanted to reply to your question. I notice the same thing as far as salt and caffeine. The salt speeds my system up and caffeine makes me feel anxious along with irregular heartbeat at times. Just depends how much caffeine I've taken in. I do have a cup of decafe at times but most of the time I drink decafe tea. I used to drink alot of coffee but I got off of it when my VT condition came about and had my ICD put in. I feel more relaxed since I got of the caffeine. I do believe some people are more in tune with their bodies and notice the changes. I drink sprite also because it is caffeine free but I've never had a problem with it.

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Your device acts like a police scanner.

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Try to concentrate on how you’re able to be active again and feel normal, rather than on having a machine stuck in your body.