
43 with a PM now for 9 days and feeling good. Back to work now for two days. First beer today! But what about skiing? Dr says no sporting activity/lifting/reaching with the left arm for 3 weeks after the operation, but then "whatever you did before you can do with the PM". What I'm wondering is whether any of you out there have direct experience getting back on the slopes? Its winter and I wanna ski - so do my three girls!!

Same question goes for surfing.....




by dward - 2008-01-19 01:01:54

I would wait.
Mine was in Golf season and I had to miss 6 weeks.
If I had to, you have to also.

Seriously, you WANT to fully heal. Skiiing is great, but so is your health.

You know you're wired when...

The mortgage on your device is more than your house.

Member Quotes

I am just now 40 but have had these blackouts all my life. I am thrilled with the pacer and would do it all over again.