AV node ablation - piece of cake

Considering all the heart caths and ablations I've been through, I have to say that the AV node ablation was the easiest procedure I've ever had (once I got past the psychological part of being dependent on the pacemaker). I even went out for pizza and a beer, just 4 hours after I was out of bed - the beer was strictly medicinal, since I have to increase the amount of blood thinner in my body ;-)

My healing seems to be quicker than with the other ablations, I guess because the procedure itself goes faster and there is less sedation.

I've had one episode of what I'd call flutter since then, but it only lasted a couple of hours. From what I've read this can happen as your heart is healing. I hope that's the case here and that the procedure worked! Has anyone else experienced this after an AV node ablation?

I would think the procedure would be a little tough for someone who's not already on coumadin, since that can be a big adjustment (being really carefule how you eat). Since I was already on it, it was only good news afterward - no more amiodarone and no more caffeine restriction.

Thanks to you all for your thoughts and prayers!


Post-op toast to your own health

by Mayor - 2008-12-18 08:12:39

5 weeks ago I got my PM. I was the first one on the schedule that morning (9:00), so by 10:30 I was propped up in recovery eating the breakfast they brought in for me. I was discharged right after I ate, and by noon, my wife and I were at one of my favorite BBQ joints, where I had a beer with my lunch. It went down real good! And yes, it was purely for therapeutic reasons, as the various drugs were beginning to wear off!


by ElectricFrank - 2008-12-19 12:12:43

The things you will go through for a beer and food.

I guess I've been missing out on all the fun. I skip the ablation and just go for the beer.



You know you're wired when...

You fondly named your implanted buddy.

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I am 100% pacemaker dependant and have been all my life. I try not to think about how a little metal box keeps me alive - it would drive me crazy. So I lead a very active life.