What a difference!

I got my pacemaker/ICD in January 2008. A month before that I scored a 10 on my stress test, which is apparently a huge red flag that you're headed for a heart transplant. A healthy person my size should score a 28. I know a transplant is an eventual reality for me, but I sure want to put it off as long as possible (I'm only 35 and have dealt with heart issues since birth).

Well, last week I took the stress test again and scored a 14! A 40% increase in 5 months. Woohoo!!! My doctors were really pleased. Hopefully my heart can keep up the good work!

I knew I felt better since I got the pacemaker, but didn't know it would be that measurable. I hope this give a few of you encouragement. This site sure gave me plenty after my surgery.




by Smart Redd - 2008-07-01 06:07:05

Whoo-hoo! Congrats. This is what should happen and it is good to hear the success stories as well as the problems. Good for you!

Love, Red

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