Hackering IMD's! What???

Have anybody heard this on the news or read about it on the web anywhere? It's horrible and scarey!!! But I think it is worth sharing... Here are some of the sites on the computer that are carrying the news: secure-medicine.org/icd-study/icd-study.pdf, schneier.com/blog/archives/2008/03/hacking_medical_1.html, nytimes.com/2008/03/12/business/12heart-web.html?_r=3&oref=slogin
Just a little bit spooked at the moment...



Who would 'Hack' a PM ?

by johng - 2008-03-15 05:03:08

People with heart problems, (like most PM. users) have got real problems to worry about.
Imaginary 'Hackers' would need very large amounts of EMF (Electric power) available, to alter the settings of your PM. from a distance.
Most PM'S. will shut down, when a strong electrical field is present. They will restart when the current is removed.

Talk to your PM. technician, they can put your mind at ease about this (unlikely) situation


by NH - 2008-03-15 11:03:25

I went to this site and checked out the FAQ and it gave me some very good information. I would recommend that you all go there and read.

From this I learned that someone would have to be very near to me to hack my PM. It can be done, but only at a very close proximity.

Therefore, I feel safe for the present time. No one that is not a friend,relative or acquaintance knows about my PM.

Others would not know and so for now feel safe. So out in public or on public transportation no one would know about my PM. For now to check my PM on the computer the St. Jude tech. uses the magnet over my PM. I think in time they will not need the magnet anymore and can just check in the room.

We do need to keep up with all the latest Info. that we can find. Thanks for posting about this site.

Take care,


by Terry - 2008-03-15 11:03:46

Check your pacemaker manufactur's website. I heard that there have been no incidents reported for Medtronic pactmakers in the 30 years of telemitry.


hacker sites

by pacie - 2008-03-15 11:03:48

They said that there has been no incidents as of now but do you think they would hide that from us for now if there had been? Just to save their butts until they can get this security matter fixed? I know it said that a malicious person could sit in the mall and do this while people were walking around. I'm sorry it just worries me. I hope that everyone reads these articles, we all need to know about our safety and security. Take care.


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A pacemaker suddenly quitting is no more likely to happen than you are to be struck by lightening.