Another Update - Post Ablation

I posted about my face and neck being swollen after my ablation on Tuesday. Well, the swelling has still not subsided much and my lips are slightly blue at the corners. I am having labored breathing at times, but I don't really feel like I am being deprived of oxgen. I am very uncomfortable and also having trouble swollowing.
Should I be concerned?
I tried calling my doctor's office, but they must be closed for the holidays...there is not even an answering service picking up.

Amanda <><


I agree!

by Suze - 2008-11-28 01:11:55

I would also go directly to an ER. Blue lips can mean lack of oxygen, even if you don't feel it is. Please play it safe, Amanda.

I don't tend to be a worry wart, but your well being is important.



by pacergirl - 2008-11-28 02:11:19

I am praying for your safety and good health.
Please let us know what the dr. says.... you must go to the hospital.

Go To ER

by Bill-2 - 2008-11-28 02:11:37

Some of your symptoms are consist ant with those of a person suffering from oxygen deprivation, blue around the mouth and shortness of breath. Considering that you have just undergone an ablation, I say don't wait until next week to see the doctor, do as someone suggested, go to an ER. Your pacemaker may need some adjustments and now. Good luck.

i had the same

by alice G - 2008-11-28 03:11:02

i was getting so short of breath couldnt walk far before feeling dizzy and lightheaded . as soon as they changed the setting it was like someone had took a great weight of my chest and i could breath please please please get some advice go to your local ER its not silly or a waste of time . something is wrong it sounds to me not that iam an expert by any means but if you heart isnt pumping hard enough your not getting the oxygen or getting rid of the fluid. thats what i was told its best to be safe than sorry please let us know how you get on


by Pookie - 2008-11-28 08:11:07

please kiddo....go get checked right away. I know it's a pain in the butt to go to the ER, but....


I would get checked out!

by Mrs.H - 2008-11-28 12:11:36

If you are unable to reach your doctor I would definitely get checked out.Go to the hospital ER and let them evaluate you.It is always better to be safe than sorry.
-Good Luck----

ER Absolutely

by TwoCents - 2008-11-29 05:11:14

I am an EMT if that little piece of information will help nudge you to the ER. You need to go post haste. Do not pass go....go to the ER. The worse that happens is that nothing is wrong and you feel foolish. Feeling foolish is a whole lot better than feeling dead. Sorry to be so blunt, but we EMT's that work in the field see people all the time that ignore their gut level feelings until conditions have worsened and caused more problems than if they had trusted their intuition to begin with. If I had a medical call on you given what symptoms you have, there would be no decision to be made as to whether to transport you to the hospital. Two Cents

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