Re: Update

I recently posted a message regarding pacing and blood pressure. I was very pleased with all of your responses! Thank you so much!

My rate response is turned on. Everytime I get my pacer checked whether it has been 24 hours, or 3 months, I have always used the max amount of recordable space on my pacemaker which is 254 rate drop responses.
I currently pace at about 70%. The parameters are set to pace me at 90 bpm for 5 minutes when my hr drops more than 25 beats per minute in a single beat.

I look forward to more responses.

Thank you,



by ElectricFrank - 2008-07-04 10:07:10

How are you feeling with these settings? That is the important thing.



by scadnama - 2008-07-04 10:07:30

I really don't notice much as far as the rate response. I am thinking that I either need to have the lower setting set higher than 60 or they just need to take the rest of my sinus node. I feel great while pacing and horrible when I don't. My blood pressure drops, my arms and legs get numb, everything starts to get hazy, and sometimes I just pass out completely. I am young and I know that being pacemaker dependant for the rest of my life may not be the best thing, but if it will let me lead a normal life, I am glad to do it. My dr. has not mentioned a total ablation, but after the findings from the ER, maybe she will be able to figure something out.


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