
  • by bunnykin
  • 2010-05-06 01:05:56

Hi friends,it's been sometime since I've come into the site; I have been very perplexed and depressed ever since my ICD gave therapy of 5 shocks 4 months ago. There seemed to be no end to problems ever since. I've seen my EP more than a dozen times since Jan and I have felt my device behaving in a strange manner since the shocks. I also have begun to have Junctional tachycardia almost every other day and it can go very rapid. I have stopped being my usual active self and life seemed so mundane as I cannot get too physical. Every little movement seems to send my heart rate up. I am on tons of medication but despite that my arrhythmia appears to be stubborn and resilient. My EP has suggested ablation of the AV node; (my 4th ablation if this happens) and I am already 99% paced meanwhile. I really don't know what to do now. I am tired and frustrated and waiting for new med. Dronedarone is not a guarantee. So PM/ICD friends, I am about to throw in the towel and take a giant step and perhaps decide on wiping my AV node out and take a gamble. I am so tired. Friends have been prayerfully asking for a direction, up till now, I am still patiently waiting for an answer. Tomorrow I'm seeing my EP again and see what he advises. I am frightened and wary...daily when the rapid heartbeat comes I am afraid the shocks might follow. How to live a normal life??? There hasn't been a day that went by without symptoms. Just thought I'd come in here today to ask for some support...or else I'd just crack up. Thanks for listening. Love, bunnykin.



by Genie - 2010-05-06 03:05:59

I'm new to the site so we haven't 'met'. But I'll keep you in my prayers. Hope you get the answers you need.


Hi Bunnykin

by qwerty - 2010-05-06 04:05:33

Sorry you are having such a rough time. No words of wisdom from me either, but we will all be thinking about you. Hang in there and let us know what the EP says.


by LS - 2010-05-06 08:05:16

I will keep you in my good thoughts & prayers.

Keep your chin up!

by jm - 2010-05-06 09:05:49

I know you are feeling hopeless and frustrated, which is normal when your body is out of kilter. When we physically don't feel well, it can certainly put a damper on the emotional state as well. Just remember that nothing bad lasts forever...I will pray for you as well, and for your physician that God will give him/her wisdom and insight so that you can be "fixed" and well. Let us know how you are doing. Jeane/Dallas

Prayers for Bunnykin

by boogettymoose - 2010-05-06 10:05:59

Hello Bunnykin.

This is Daniel.

I feel so bad for you. I cannot imagine the hopelessness and frustration that you must be feeling at this time. I'm sure that the Doctors will find out the problem soon and you can be back at ease. In the meantime think of happier times in your life, look outside and see how beautiful things are and keep a prayer in your heart. ALL will be well.

GOD Bless and keep you,


Thank you kindly...

by bunnykin - 2010-05-08 11:05:11

For all your comments and replies. I am grateful and touched by your input and will try to face each day meanwhile with God's blessings in mind. He has kept me thus far I know He will not forsake me just like that. Yes I will keep you folks posted after my next check in about 10 days time. Thanks again for your kind support. Hugs. bunnykin.

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