Just interested to know

When you had your pacemaker leads fitted,did you feel pain in your heart when they were srewed in place?


I was not sedated

by Megg - 2008-01-02 02:01:53

I just had lots of local anaesthetic in my shoulder.


by Megg - 2008-01-02 03:01:50

for that the reason why I asked was becaause I could tell exactly where the leads were going and wondered if I was in a minority.

what may happen

by kmhayward - 2008-01-02 09:01:38


Actually there are screw in leads, and whether you get them is decided by the doctor performing the procedure. However, no, you don't feel the wires being embeded. You may feel a palpitation or two as the wire is positioned. This is just a few extra beats and absolutely nothing to worry about. You may also feel the testing of the lead, this may also feel like a palpitation. Again nothing to worry about!

You know you're wired when...

You participate in the Pacer Olympics.

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To tell you the truth I never even give it a second thought. While growing up it never stopped me from doing anything and to this day my girlfriend or my kids need to remind me that I have one!