kindred feelings?

hi all:
this is a great site by the way!
does anyone else have these feelings? i am 6 weeks post implant with a medtronics adapta and the PM is working very well ( at least i think it is). i have sick sinus syndrome with LOW blood pressure and am taking florinef to increase it. i am also a retail pharmacist and have been for 21 years so am on my feet 8-10 hours a day and have been back to work for 2 weeks. my energy level comes and goes in a nonpredictable way. sometimes i feel great and sometimes i feel blahhh. sleep is not an issue as i sleep well.i am still somewhat restricted on left arm movement for another 2 weeks when i have my first interrogation. i believe that the PM settings are 60bpm low and probably the rate response is on as i am sure i need it. my BP is now 105/68 with the drug but i am dogged by this come-and go feeling of tiredness- a sort of "out-of-touch" feeling. anyone else share this?
p.s. if i can offer any pharmaceutical advice,dont hesitate to ask me.


Me too!

by scadnama - 2008-01-26 08:01:41

Hello Steve! I know how you feel. I am 23 and I am 9 weeks post implant. I felt the need to share my story with you, but it was entirely to long to post as a comment, so check your messages!


Sugar magnolia

by MHCHAMPION - 2008-01-26 11:01:58

Even after two years with my Medtronic PM I have occasional days that I just don't feel well. Since I have other health issues I'm not sure if the feelings are from the PM or what.

I have a pharmaceutical question since you ask?

I have been on Lipitor for 8 to 10 years and in past few months have had what feels like a nerve jumping in my
lower right outside calf. I stopped the Lipitol for 2 days now and it is gone. Could it be causing it? I will of course go back on it or get myself to the dr. for a different cholesterol pill. Thanks.

And me!

by Shelly - 2008-01-27 06:01:26

Hi Steve, I can relate too!

I'm 36, 9 weeks post op on Monday and sometimes I feel fantastic and raring to go, but others I feel really tired with no engery. Like yourself, there doesn't seem to be any 'pattern' to it so it's quite unpredictable.

I've put it down to the fact I had to wait a long time to get my pacemaker and was completely fatigued by the time I got it, so maybe that is why I seem to be taking so long to recover. The site still a little tender too.

Don't get me wrong, compared to how I felt before my pacemaker, I feel fantastic now...but still nowhere near 100 percent.

Thanks for sharing - It's good to know I'm not the only who gets the 'blahhhs' :-)

Shelly (UK)

Thanks I thought it was just me

by Holly - 2008-01-27 11:01:12

Hey steve,
I am 30 and 2 week post op Friday. This is my second pacemaker because the one I got 2yrs ago went bad. The docs said Im lucky I didnt pass out or drop dead.

So I was thinking my body was just on its way out and thats why I'm so tired. However it is very true.. I also have good and bad days with no pattern to them. I really hope it gets better for all of us.


Tired at Times

by Brenda Price - 2008-01-30 04:01:12

I have a bi-ventricular/Icd implanted 07-10-07. my first pacer was placed 19 yrs ago. Some days for the past years have just not been as good as others tired, and just not as mentally sharp as others i i think we all have some of this. We think I do not feel as well and then we all focus on the device.i am an RN and NHA I have not worked for the past year but I understand your feelings.The work we do demands we be alert and focused all the time. i think as you and your device become better friends thease days will become less frequent. do you know a good arthritis med? I have CHf and my drugs are limited.

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I wouldn't be alive if it wasn't for pacemakers. I've had mine for 35+ years. I was fainting all of the time and had flat-lined also. I feel very blessed to live in this time of technology.