RRRRRRRR! Oh yeah, and QOTW

Ok, so I went to the cardiologist on Friday, and this time, it was the NURSE who I wanted to slap. She treats me like I'm 5 years old! Sorry, I'm a little stressed this morning. Anyway, after about the millionth time I told her about those slow, heavy beats she finally said, "I think you are having skipped beats. Most people don't feel them, but you do." And to which I said, "You mean PVCs. Yeah, I know what they are." Then she just looked at me like I had cursed at her (which I wasn't too far from doing). The doctor actually listed this time!!!! He said "You have 3 options: 1, we can do an epinephran test (explanation follows). 2, I can give you a beta blocker trail, which I think will help you a lot. And 3, if those don't work or we find something we don't like, we can book you for an EP study." So after explaining my hectic schedule to him, he said that July would probably be best. Now they're making me do a caloric intake study because everyone still thinks tha I'm anorexic and don't eat enough. Pantpantpant. Ok, so here is the QOTW.

"You can lead a man to Congress, but you can't make him think."
- Milton Berle

Apparently, you can lead him to medical school, too! (Grace Jeschke)

I'm feeling that horrible adrenaline rush now, so I'm gonna stop ranting. Oh!!!! READ THIS: IT'S IMPORTANT!!!!!!!!!!!!! My old doctor came in to "say hello" which was sweet. And then they were like"You can take off that monitor now, it's set for an older person like, in their 70s." I kid you not, I had that LBH off in under 30 sec. The doctors kinda sat there and stared for a minute but I smiled innocently like I normally do. so, NO MORE MONITOR!!!!!!!!!!



by jessie - 2009-06-01 10:06:04

good for you for standing up for yourself. you are such a marvel.jessica does too. she doesn't take any s..t from anyone. i am hoping they can help you soon. have as much fun as you can. hugs to you. maureen


by Tracey_E - 2009-06-02 06:06:31

So, what did you decide to do? Me, I'd try the beta blockers before the EP study cuz it's non-invasive. Good for you for standing up to the nurse and reminding her you have a brain in your head!

Love the quote :o)


by uvagershwin - 2009-06-03 07:06:19

Thnx you guys! Yeah, sometimes I have to remind people of that... :) I'm gonna try the meds first. Of course I'm gonna have elevated epinephrine levels this week; I have exams this week AND next! Oh well.

You know you're wired when...

You can feel your fingers and toes again.

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