Scared to death... literally.

Hey guys. Last night, I woke up around midnight due to that rush feeling. It felt like if my heart was beating that fast it would have come out of my chest. I also had a stabbing pain around my heart and couldn't catch my breath on a few occasions. What really scared me was that a few days ago, my brother was constantly telling my mom, dad, and I that he loved us. That night when my mom went to put him to bed, he called her back to say that he felt like something bad was going to happen. My dog, who always sleeps on the floor, crawled up on my bed and laid right next to me. I have never been so scared in my life... I was bawling my eyes out. This is NOT something you live with, especially when I've had to leave school twice because of it. I don't know what to do anymore. It got to the point last night where I was praying like I've never prayed before. Sometimes I just want to give up but I have so much in life I want to do. I know I've posted about this a million times, but I felt like this was extremly important. Thanks for letting me vent.


It is extremly important!

by pacergirl - 2008-11-26 08:11:02

Sweetie... I will be praying for you today.... this happens to me on occasion as well.... It scares me half to death as well. Keep telling your parents. If it is happening more frequently ask the dr. to get the monitor out again.
My dr. says that it is because I am dreaming... I think he's over simplifying it. I love your dog and you have a wonderful brother with a beautiful spirit!
love, pacergirl


by lb151 - 2008-11-26 09:11:01

It sounds like a kind of panic attack to me. Its important that your parents take you seriously about these things. You should talk to a professional also,,family docotor or cardiologist.
good luck


by Bionic Beat - 2008-11-26 11:11:02

Sure sounds like a panic attack to me.

They can be caused by cardiac problems (too much adrenaline being released by your central nervous system) or even by the drugs you may be taking for a cardiac problem.

They are quite awful, you need to ask your cardiologist if it's in any way connected to your heart troubles or meds.

A mitral valve prolapse is an example of a cardiac problem that can cause panic want to get up and run but sitting absolutely still and realizing it's just your heart acting up is the cure for them.

If you get upset or move around (as your body is asking), you release even more adrenaline, making it worse.

Please let your parents know that this is a REAL problem so that they do not get annoyed with you or think you're just being a 'teenager' again.

Hope you're a bit more settled today.

Bionic Beat


by ElectricFrank - 2008-11-26 11:11:24

The next time you wake up feeling that way see if you can immediately recall a dream you were having. Your description suddenly brought back memories when I was a teen of waking up after a very scary dream.

The other thing to try is to see if you can control your breathing to take long slow breaths. Practice it before you are confronted with the real thing. I call it being "long of breath" instead of short of breath. This is a technique they teach navy seals to use when they are caught in a situation that causes intense fear. The great thing about this approach is that if you are actually having a heart problem it provides extra oxygen when you need it. If you are having a panic or anxiety attach it is calming.

At 79 and a pilot I've been through a lot of situations where I've needed it.



by uvagershwin - 2008-11-26 12:11:20

Thank you for your concern, I really needed some support. I'm not on meds, but at this point think I need to be. The Holter didn't read anything; niether did the blood test. I've been told it could be a panic attack, but I don't panic over things this much. It's all very confusing and belonging to this "family" makes me feel a million times better. I will check things out because this is getting ridiculous. Thanks again, you guys just make my day! :) (The only smile I've smiled all day.)

Another thought

by janetinak - 2008-11-27 02:11:31

I know that you are very young but you might want to talk to your Dr & parents about a sleep study. I had a few episodes of waking up @ nite with SOB & being anxious. Did the sleep study test & have mild sleep apnea & use a CPAP machine now & no more problems. Might be worth thinking about.



by jessie - 2008-11-28 03:11:12

be willing to live thru the panic . all the time reasurring yourself that it is okay and you will be okay. repeat this to yourself. feel the feelings but tell yourself you are safe and you are okay. panic attacks are really scary. i know i had them. i also counsellled people to get better from them and you know a lot of people took the pills but never did the work and then pop addiction. another problem. am thinking of you sweetie. it is going to be okay. love,jess if you do get pills use them when needed but the reasurrance part is really important and they will go away permanently

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