Scar Pic

Oh I posted a pic of my scar!! Take a look @ it! I think it looks great for only being like 4 weeks!!

Whoops! Sorry I posted the photo twice!! Sorry about that!!



How Tiny!

by heckboy - 2008-01-30 05:01:53

What a cute little scar! You could drive a truck though mine, but maybe they had to make it bigger to get my leads extracted. Oh well... hair will over it again soon. :)


by heckboy - 2008-01-30 06:01:19

Hey, if any tech's are listening, can you link the gallery pics to the user's name/profile? As is, the photos links to names (if there is one) are too small to really see (at least the ones I clicked on are).

You went out in the sun?

by turboz24 - 2008-01-30 06:01:38

You actually take off your shirt? Man, only 2 circumstances would I ever be seen without a shirt on.

1. I'm getting worked on by a doc or
2. I'm dead........

Scar Pic

by MHCHAMPION - 2008-01-30 06:01:43

I'm still new at do I find the scar pic?


by kyle0816 - 2008-01-30 06:01:47

Pacemaker scars are so much smaller than ICD scars. I wish mine looked like that :-(. Mine is 9 months old and still pink. They told me I could go out in the sun with it as long as I put sunscreen on it. So I was out in the sun all summer with spf 70 on it. Obviously they were wrong :( :( :(. I wonder if I can get some kind of skin lightener to make the pink go away or if I'm just stuck with it until my replacement.


by heckboy - 2008-01-30 06:01:57

Rachel isn't shirtless, she's wearing a v-neck sweater.


by turboz24 - 2008-01-30 07:01:08

It could possibly be the 2" diameter disc that protrudes 1/4" an inch out of my left chest, but it's just a thought.........

At the gym...

by heckboy - 2008-01-30 09:01:44

When doing certain things at the gym, it looks like I'm hiding a stack of quarters (silver dollars?) under my skin. Creepy... but my girlfriend loves me anyway. :D

Funny, but my ex seemed creeped out by my PM and would never touch the site. My girlfriend was a little worried I'd drop dead after I first told her, but she's much more comfortable with it than the ex ever was.

So the moral is, if your with someone that doesn't accept your PM, dump them and find someone that does.

Not Bad

by hooimom - 2008-01-30 10:01:20


It looks great! See, nothing to worry about.:) Mine continued to get better months later.


You Lucky People

by Peter.Nash - 2008-01-31 11:01:47

I have a ICD top left and another scar under my left rib cage from a PM trial... and I cant hardly see my battle scars you would be hard pressed to find them....or the ICD and I am reasonably thin skinned for and old codger.

I think I will complain it is sort of a discrimination...since I cant put a pictur of my scar up..... perhaps a page of scares so we can all have a nosey take care all Peter N

I wear shirts!!

by rdelvis07 - 2008-02-02 01:02:06

hehe heckboy is right.......i have on a green swearter!! lol i dont go topless! My husband might not like that! (okay maybe he would but not in public) lol

You know you're wired when...

You have an excuse for being a couch potato.

Member Quotes

As for my pacemaker (almost 7 years old) I like to think of it in the terms of the old Timex commercial - takes a licking and keeps on ticking.