I seem to have a problem with my duct in my liver and they are doing a ERCP om monday. Has anyone had one of these done and can let me know what it involves. Thanks so much.

With warm thoughts from snowey Iowa



by lenora - 2009-12-08 08:12:04

Denise, I've assisted with a few ERCP's in the GI lab. Are they thinking you might have stones in the common bile duct? If I tell you the name of the procedure you'll know why they call it ERCP. Here it is: endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography! It's done to diagnose stones or tumors in the bile duct, pancreatitis, biliary cirrhosis or obstruction. They can also stretch or dilate the duct and sometimes remove stones. You have to be NPO (no food or water for a specified time). They give you light sedation and usually spray your throat to numb it. The endoscope is passed through your mouth, stomach and esophagus into the duodenum, the upper part of the bowel and into the bile duct guided by fluoroscopy. A thin catheter is passed down through the scope, dye injected and xrays taken. They inflate the bowel with gas. You might have a sore throat for a few days after. There is some risk of perforating (making a hole in) the bowel but I've never seen that happen, and irritation to the pancreas. I hope this explanation helps you and that everything turns out well for you. Warm thoughts from a very soggy windy Alabama where it's now 68 degrees (had SNOW Saturday morning which was gone by lunchtime). Lenora


by denise61 - 2009-12-08 10:12:26

Thank you very much Lenora and yes they are thinking there is a tumor or stone I keep getting pancreatits I have had it 4 times in 6 months they did a scope up and down lol and a cat scan, the dr told me this is the next test because they found something in the duct. I have been itching, real tired and looseing weight, I told them I wanted to wait till after xmas and they said it needed to be done now.

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