Fun? for the day!

Here we go again. Just got home from a short trip to Longs drug store. I am certain it has happened to most of you, but I call it the Joys of a Pacemaker. You guessed it. As I went out the door the alarm sounded loud & clear, and the young man came running after me with everyone nearby turning to see "who stole something"...I don't even carry a purse anymore...just pockets. As I tried to explain that it was just a pacemaker, the young man looked with a big question mark in his eyes. Here is this little old gray haired lady steeling a pacemaker. I am sure he went back in and asked "What is a pacemaker?"... oh well, fun for the day!



by ela-girl - 2007-12-03 07:12:31

I've had this happen, too. There is one Bed Bath and Beyond store near me that I think has their security doo-hickeys set at a higher sensitivity than most. I always make it go off and have to show my pm i.d. card. I usually go in that store and peruse and come out empty-handed. They are ALWAYS suspicious of me! Perhaps they think one day they will catch me!


Something new!

by hooimom - 2007-12-03 08:12:00

I have never had this happen to me. Thanks for the heads up. I wouldn't have even thought of my pacemaker. I was warned that the anti-theft sensors could cause a problem with my PM so I go through quickly but I had never heard I could cause a problem with them.



by randrews - 2007-12-03 10:12:46

I've never had this happen. It's funny though that the guy came after you. Oh well, if that is as bad as it gets we're doing ok.
I hope you continue to do well

Store Security

by Nuka - 2007-12-03 11:12:09

yup..happens to me every time I go into our local Future Store. I always stop off at the clerk (whether I've purchased anything or not) and tell the nice person that as I exit the store I am going to set the alarm off. I assure them it is my pacemaker and I will scoot out as quickly as I can. One day as I exited the store sure enough the alarm went off, the little old man ahead of me ( I can say that cause I'm a little old lady) wheeled around and glared at me like I was a criminal. When I tried to explain he ran out the door like the devil himself was chasing him. lol

Have a good day all.


by vbilbrey - 2007-12-04 01:12:12

I've never had that happen to me. That's funny, though. I wonder what pacemakers you all have or how recent? Mine is almost 12 years old so I don't know if the technology in the recent pm's togehter with the technology in the stores causes this to happen?? Does anyone know what causes it? I'm about to get mine changed out so I may experience this with the new one...

That's funny... :)



by vbilbrey - 2007-12-04 01:12:13

I've never had that happen to me. That's funny, though. I wonder what pacemakers you all have or how recent? Mine is almost 12 years old so I don't know if the technology in the recent pm's togehter with the technology in the stores causes this to happen?? Does anyone know what causes it? I'm about to get mine changed out so I may experience this with the new one...

That's funny... :)


funny ??

by pat - 2007-12-04 09:12:10

it is really after you think about it. about 2 weeks after my pm placement i went in to a grocery store and as i was going in the security device beeped. well i figgured ok its just me but and went on in the store, well i figgured 20 people would come runing to get me and carry me off to the police station lol but no one even looked up. i dont know about anyone else but when i have triggered an alarm, i feel kind of funny, dizzy and so forth. well to ramble on some more lol, i got my groceries checked out and started to leave the store and of course the security thingie went off again, well this time about 3 people came to the door and looked at me like i was stealing a pork chop or something, by that time i felt like i was going to pass out. so i told them i had a pm and that is what set the alarm off. they acted like they didn't believe me, but so what lol i thought they were going to search my purse and myself. but finally the manager came over and settled them all down, got me a chair and a cup of tea and appologized. it was just so strange, what bothered me most is that they let me come in the store didn't do anything, but on the way out..... well such is life with a pm.. hagd all :)

You know you're wired when...

You fondly named your implanted buddy.

Member Quotes

I am 100% pacemaker dependant and have been all my life. I try not to think about how a little metal box keeps me alive - it would drive me crazy. So I lead a very active life.