Doctor Appointment

I have an appt. with my PM doctor next Friday. I need some advice from you all on my condition.

1st PM in 2002, 2nd PM when battery died in 11/2007. No problems much at all with 1st PM. I have had no problems with this one either, but the problem is how I feel.

1. I have good days and bad days.
2. On bad days, I feel very bad and can't walk anywhere without feeling like I am climbing Mt. Everest.
3. I am not holding fluid and am taking all my meds.
4. On good days, I feel better but still can't walk very far or fast.

Could my heart be getting weaker. I am overweight and have been about the same weight for the last 15 years. I am overweight but not to the extreme amount.

Without this being longer can any of you make suggestions on some things to discuss with Dr. As you know, the time with the Dr. is short and I usually take a list with ?? and things to discuss. Can you give me some things for my list?

Thanks so much for all the previous help and any you can give me today.

Take care,



by boatman50 - 2008-02-29 11:02:48

I had a similar problem. I kept the same weight but lost muscle. So I lost strength and endurance. I have been working out with weights and a rowing machine and tredmill and also do sit ups push ups and flexibility exercise, it has made all the difference. I don't know if thats an option for you but you can ask the doc. Studies have shown even a little exercise can help

dr apt

by kaka - 2008-02-29 12:02:56

The Dr may need to change your pace.I keep a journal as to when things change for me.
Good luck

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