Please post me a message

I posted the other day about my current problems and got a lovely response from a member. But I only got one response. Please read my post again and if you can give me any help, encouragement, etc. please do so.

I have felt really bad all week and just can't seem to get my strength back. Is is gone forever or what. I went up north to visit over the holidays and it was way too much for me. I just can't seem to bounce back. Not that I am expecting to go roller skating or anything, just to feel more normal. Thanks for any help research you have done or just to post and talk about my problem. Thanks again and take care, NH

My original post was:

I have a St. Jude pacemaker with one lead. I got my original one in 2002 and in November 07 it was replaced with a new one as my battery had run out. My lead was not changed. At the end of September I got really low in strength, stamina, etc. When I was changed out, I noticed a difference right away. The technician told me I am 98% dependant on my PM and my new one should be good for 9-12 years. Another fact is that I am moderately overweight and need to drop some pounds. I will be 64 in March.

I have not seemed to bounce back from my Nov. 14th surgery. I do not have much strength or stamina. I can't stand for very long at all and have some good days, but not a lot. I find I get out of breath really easy and am just not able to do like I would like to do. I have not been able to start my walking back because of how bad I have been feeling.

When I ask the Dr. he says that he has no magic pill to give me and that the excess weight is what is pulling me down. I am not morbidly obese or anything, just overweight. That is my only risk factor other than a bad "heart" family history. I have stayed basically the same weight for the last 15 years. I can't seem to lose much, but I don't gain much either. I don't overeat, but it is so hard to lose.

The last visit the Dr. told me that he thought I was just one of those people that metabolism slowed down to a crawl and if you are only eating 1800 calories, but only burning 1700 you will not lose.

Any help, encouragement, suggestions, feedback or anything will be so appreciated. Thanks for your help and for reading this long piece. If you would rather send me a messege please do so.

Take care,


PS: Thanks for taking the time to read this long post.


Get a full blood work up/complete physical

by MSPACER - 2008-01-10 07:01:37

I would get to a good doctor and have a good blood work up- complete blood count, thyroid, etc, to rule out problems from that end. The only other thing I could think of is the pacemaker needs to be reprogrammed, or maybe the lead is not functioning so well. I would check with the doctor to find out if the pacemaker is working properly. Are you taking any new types of medications? Beta blockers could cause symptoms like you describe.

You can ask the doctor to do a 24 hour holter monitor to see if there are any issues there, as well as an echocardiogram to see how well your heart is functioning.

So sorry you're not feeling well

by Carol - 2008-01-10 11:01:48

Hi NH,
I know what it's like not to "bounce back" as fast as you think you should...or as fast as everyone else thinks you should. I too had some problems (still do) with stamina, irregular beats, etc. to the point that I still am not back 100% (had PM 3 1/2 months ago). But I'll tell you what, don't let the Doc get away with blaming it all on your weight, especially if you weren't feeling like this before your replacement. He/She works for you, and you need to request testing, interrogations of PM, or whatever it takes to feel better. If your current doctor doesn't wish to listen or take you seriously, consider a second opinion or another doctor (I know this is sometimes easier said than done). I wish you luck and hope you're feeling better real soon. Take care, Carol

bouncing back

by zutie - 2008-01-17 01:01:02

It's hard after the surgery. I think it takes a good six months to fully recover, so give yourself some time. Also, as someone else mentioned, the thyroid and electrolites are very important. Just curious why you have the one lead. What I have heard is that that is outdated, (as mine is) and that's what's causing some of my symptoms. I also find that activity actually makes me feel better and that most of my symptoms are at rest???

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