Colonoscopy with pneumonia?

Oh well, I don't know if I'll have that colonoscopy Wednesday or not. Saturday morning, I just couldn't get warm - eventually I realized I was experiencing a chill, which was followed by a fever. Next I started feeling heart palpitations, so I used my blood pressure monitor to check things out and my pulse shot up to 151. I know, for some of you that might not be a big deal, but my normal resting rate is 45-55. I don't usually get above 80 unless I'm exercising. (My pacemaker's lower rate is 45, I never even asked what my upper limit is.) It was a very scary feeling! A trip to the emergency room got me a diagnosis of pneumonia, antibiotics, and instructions to contact my primary physician Monday morning.




by Bionic Beat - 2008-11-23 05:11:04

I think I'd go ahead with the colonoscopy, as you don't have a general anaesthetic with it, just sedation.

Better yet, call the doctors' office (that's doing it) and see what they say.......if you're on antibiotics for 4 days or so, you might be a whole lot better.

As long as you don't have a raging fever, I'd want it over with asap. lol

It's a real bummer that you've got pneumonia though.

Take care of yourself and let us know what your doc says in the morning.

Bionic Beat

What luck!

by Pookie - 2008-11-23 08:11:08

Oh Vonnie....I had the cold & flu a couple of weeks ago and that was miserable...I can only imagine what YOU are going thru now with word, what luck.

I agree with Bionic..if you don't have a fever and are otherwise feeling okay, I'd ask the doctor if it was okay to get the colonoscopy over with., but that is just me.

Good luck & keep us posted.


oh well

by jessie - 2008-11-24 10:11:49

i don't think any dr. would do a procedure when someone has pneumonia. i mean any dr. worth his salt. if your lungs are compromised why would any sedation even be considered? so hope you figure it out jessie

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