
I just have a question. I am new to the site, and I think it is a wonderful site. My question is , how long after the Implant o f the pacemaker can I drive?"



by sweetkozy - 2007-10-22 04:10:37

I believe I drove a few days later or maybe a week. I drove after I was able to get up and move around quite well on my own and not taking any pain medication. I was just careful to keep my left arm low on the steering wheel so to not disturb my leads and risk pulling them out.


Driving W/New PM

by Bub - 2007-10-22 05:10:42

I drove a short distance (about 4 miles to the grocery store) on my third day after the implant. I continued to drive selected and short routes for a few days but I returned to my normal driving routine in about ten days. However, I am one of the fortunate ones who's new PM was never a minutes trouble. A little soreness for about 3 days and that was it. I was careful with the implant site and put a big folded towel between it and the seat belt for several weeks.

For an answer to your question I recommend your doctor as he will know if there were any complications with your implant that may restrict your driving.


Third day...

by auntiesamm - 2007-10-22 06:10:53

Like Bub I am one of the lucky folks who had no issues following PM implant. PM on Thurs, home on Friday, hubby driving. Took me to the grocery store where I shopped, Sat. went to a social gathering, Sunday drove myself to church. Had absolutely no problems as a result of anything I did! I believe the majority of folks who get pacemakers are problem free. Unfortunately, there is a small percentage who do have problems. My hope for all of them is that they will find this forum for the support they need. I am uplifted every time I log on and read new postings and see how many respond with answers and well wishes. What wonderful, caring people these club members are! God bless them all.

thinking back

by jessie - 2007-10-22 06:10:58

i drove the very next day i was released from the hospital. can't believe it but i did. i drove only to the corner store tho for awhile about 3 weeks. my inplant is on my right side so driving has never bothered the site. driving with my husband has lol lol jessie

Recent Implant

by Carol - 2007-10-23 01:10:32

Hi! Just had PM implanted on 10/1/07. My Discharge instructions were No driving until my first PM check which was 1 week after implant. After that I was given the green light to drive. Mine was placed under the muscle, don't know if that makes a difference or not. Regards, Carol


by janetinak - 2007-10-23 12:10:12

I don't believe I was told anything about driving (selective deafness?) so I got PM & lead, stayed overnight, & drove few miles on 3rd day. Took week-end off (drove a little) & went to work on Monday (about 10 miles one way). Really tired & little sore but all OK. I was not taking anything stonger than Tylenol tho & I think if you are, best as mentioned, before to not drive if you are taking something stonger for pain. We are all different & have a different response. Guess doc is final authority tho. :-) 'Course I had to wear the old sling for a few wks with a new lead.


by hlamphere - 2007-10-24 07:10:25

Thanks to all for ur comments on driving. With all the positive feedback makes me feel more at ease about the surgery. again, thanks!

If you live in the UK?

by Janet - 2008-01-25 07:01:30

Then DVLC site states no driving for one week - and then only after the first weeks check up.

After that your fine - unless you are a specialist driver like HGV where there are even stricter limits. So if you live in the UK visit the DVLC site.

Not sure about elsewhere in the world.


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