Terrible Dreams

Hello there I am new to this site and glad I found it. Had a ICD put in about 8 months ago. Very athletic and energetic guy here. Of course had to wait several months until I got to do my normal things. I just turned 40 and feel like I am 100. Seriously. This devise has changed some many things in my life. Activity no more really. Sex >>forget it. Told the doctor that my sex life was suffering. Doctor told me to increase my dosage of medication. Didnt work. And ever since my operation I have had the most horriblist dreams you can imagine. I enjoy a good horror movie dont get me wrong. But these dreams are off the chart. And when I wake from them my heart feels like it is going to come out of my chest. Now one time had a dream I was falling and woke up with heart racing. Went to the doctor explained the dream and the episode. Doctor did a scan of my ICD and found that for 13 seconds my rate was death basically for anyone. Now the ICD did go off due to this dream. I was sleeping at the time. Now get this, like my doctor and everything he did for me. But the good old doctor put me a 3 month driving restriction. Told me to go see my regular doctor for the dreams I had been having. Did this. Doctor gave me what I call a " nut pill ". This pill didnt help me with my dreams. Only made me a zombie. So if anyone out there can help me out with anything in this post. I would appreciate it. Tall guy here who needs to know.
Thank you


What type of medication?

by MSPACER - 2007-10-07 09:10:32

What type of medication are you taking? I forgot the name of the medication, but there is one, often given to heart patients that causes crazy nightmares. Look at the side effects for your medication. Maybe your medication is causing the nightmares. Also, if you feel that your doctor is not addressing your concerns, I would look for another one.

Oh My Gosh!

by pacergirl - 2007-10-07 10:10:12

Dear Tallandstrong, I suffered from the most terrifying nightmares for about a year after the pacer implant! (2005) I could not sleep because the nightmares were so real. I was so tired I could hardly function and I did tell my cardiologist about them. He told me to relax uhmmmmm I thought. Some help he was. Not sleeping wasn't doing my sex life any good either, not to mention the fear of dying.
I can tell you exactly what I was afraid of. If you are interested at all please email me and I will explain. Yes, I did solve my problem and I sleep at night once again. The sex life has returned to well ..... let's just say everyone is happy once again.
Please check your personal messages here and I will give you my email address. You are not alone, I made it and so can you. Best regards, pacergirl.

check the meds

by boatman50 - 2007-10-07 10:10:20

At first I was put on a beta blocker that caused nightmares. I was still having trouble and the doc wanted to double the dose. I did not want that and he sent me to an EP. The man was great. He took me off all meds and adjusted my pm. I suggest you go see an EP, they are specialists in the field. Good Luck to you, Boatman

What Medications Are You Taking

by Bob Sr - 2007-10-07 10:10:24

Like the others, I have to ask what medications you are taking. There are many heart medications that can cause side effects like those you list.

Some that come to mind are:

Beta Blockers, saps your energy, plays havoc with the sex life, can cause bad dreams - the list goes on and on. I understand they are good treatment for some people with some forms of heart problems, but not me.

Calcium Channel Blockers, have many of the same side effects as do beta blockers. So far as I know they don't interfere with a person sex life like the BB. However, the CCB do cause me to have wild dreams. Not really nightmares, but wild and vivid dreams that I can very seldom remember a few minutes after I wake up.

Ace Inhibitors. For me these things have essentially the same effects as BB and then they add a dry cough for good measure.

Find out what you are taking, look up their side and effects and then I wish you good luck in getting your doctor to work with you to find a medicine that is really beneficial, in all ways, for you.

Bob S

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