pacer girl

Pacer girl
Comment posted by allanrogers on 2008-07-21 04:46.
You have a very similar medical history to me
Radio active iodine to get rid of over active thyroid
Did your heart problems start to surface before or after your radio active iodine treatment?
Is your afib under control?
Are you on your first pacer?
Are you on beta blockers?
If so what dose and how often do you take them once a day or twice a day?
How often do you get your pacer checked out?
I have just started on st johns wort which is supposedly ok with my current medications thyroxine each day 125 mg and atenlol(beta blocker) 25mg although last night I was sick of uneven heart beat so I took another atenlol to help control it and I slept quitewell dont know how much is placebo effect but I know i will pay for extra beta blocker and probably fel like a zombie for a couple of days.

Apparantly anti depressants can help with anxiety which is a main reason for afib attacks so the herbal equivilant to prozac is st johns wort but it takes two to three weeks to cut in although I swear i can feel some effects when i look at the sun.
You know all we want to do is get on and enjoy our lives and I feel with our conditions the best you can hope for is bursts of feeling ok and then just learning how to deal with the low times thank god for this club thta is all i can say


Hi, it's me!

by pacergirl - 2008-07-21 09:07:34

Hello Allan,

Glad to hear from you.... for my response, please check your personal messages.

Take care,

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The dog’s invisible fence prevents you from leaving the backyard.

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