I know it is early but...

Hi pm pals

Just to wish you all a very happy time at Christmas. I am afraid I am just about to slip into my hibernation mode. Christmas always send me into a deep depression. We are not allowed to see our Grandchildren. I wish someone could pass on a magic formulae to me that would help me cope with Christmas.

Hope to see you all in the New Year. Sincere wishes to all.



I know your pain!

by Dleslie - 2008-12-09 02:12:57

Hello Billie, I am so very sorry for what you are going through. I know from personal experience the pain that comes from not being able to see my grandchildren. It took five years and a painful divorce for my daughter to regret her decision.

What I am going to say to you is easier said that done, but you must find a way to ease your grief because your condition is worsened by the grief, again I know from personal experience that my heart disease was worsened during the stress that accompanied the loss of my grandchildren. The conflict caused me to slide into depression. I stopped eating healthy meals, was lax with my medication and had another heart attack. It has been fourteen years now since that happened. I wish I could go back to this incident because after all the grief and conflict and heart attack I ended up with full custody of the baby that is now ten years old.

We never know what is in store for us later in life. I don’t need to know you personally to say that I am sure you are loved and important to someone and possibly many people have come to depend on your love. These people need you; yes it is tall order when you are experiencing conflict and turmoil in a body that has been through so very much. I know that the last thing I thought I needed was someone to depend on me when I didn’t have enough energy to get through the day. I don’t know your particular circumstances, but I do know that a common thread runs through all of us.

I wish for you peace as you travel your journey of life’s uncertainty. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers. Please feel free to email me. Do you know if I can post my email address?

God Bless.

Dee Leslie

they will be sorry

by jessie - 2008-12-09 12:12:59

someday their children will ask questions and want to know why and they may repeat the behavior. i think that they will be truly sorry and it will be too late. maureen

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