Not sure

Hi all,
I had my PM put in in Mar 2007.I am 38 YO M.
I have been told months ago that I can resume swimming but I'm too scared.Reason is, that when I put my arm out straight above my head (like I would if i were swimming)I can feel the bottom left conrer of my device down towards my armpit.Like its poking out .I really don't want to risk damage to wires etc and since i did not have an Xray directly after the op,I cant help but feel a bit unsure that the positioning is ok to swim.
BTW thanks for all previous replies to a similar question of mine.
Did anybody else not get a post op Xray?


I think you should be OK

by bgansberg - 2007-10-19 01:10:53


If it gives you any comfort, I completed Ironman Lake Placid this July. This included a 2.4 mile swim. In preperation for this event I did over 100 miles of swimming. I have never had any issue with my pacemaker during all that swimming. If your doctor cleared you, I expect that swimming would be fine. Enjoy the laps.


PS I am also 38

Dive in!

by auntiesamm - 2007-10-19 02:10:02

Hi Brad,

Got my PM May 2006 and was in the pool as soon as my 6 weeks were up. Stayed out before that 'cause I was afraid I would forget and do an overhead stroke. This summer I have been in the pool 3-4 times a week without problems. Got a knee replaced in June and did exercises in the pool, etc. In fact, I seldom think about my PM anymore, or give it consideration when I am going to do something. My husband will remind me if he sees me do something he thinks is questionable. For reassurance you could go back to the doctor and have him/her take a look at it and maybe get an xray. That would give you peace of mind. Enjoy the water!


by tcrabtree85 - 2007-10-19 02:10:26

Hi Pete,
I had my pm implanted in March also. I have gone swimming. Though it sounds like you have some discomfort and maybe a pocket issue with your pm. I think your best bet to even just calm your nerves is make an apt. with your doctor and explain the feelings. That way you can know for sure that it is safe for you to swim completely.
You have enough scar tissue to hold your leads in place though so I wouldn't be as worried about that. My concern would just be if your pocket is torn you wouldn't want the pm moving around so much.
I am shocked that you haven't had a x-ray. I would request one. I wish you luck and look forward to hearing what your choice was.

ease in

by YellowMonkee - 2007-10-19 09:10:29

I didn't have a post op x-ray. I will tell you this, I felt the device for months after the op. What I did was ease into my normal activities. Eventually I didn't feel it anymore.

Thank you all

by petemanning - 2007-10-22 12:10:21

Thanks all for your encouragement and comments.
Thanks for your inspiration.It helps a lot . well done on completing the iron man I have run a half marathon and also completed 3 olympic distance tri's,all pre P.M and they are hard enough.Whats next for you,another one?
Thanks for your suggestions,I think I will do a followup and see if i can get an xray for peace of mind.
Thanks again

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