Nerve Endings

Well its been 12 weeks since I had the pm put in, in the last two weeks i've had these sharp burning pains around the site and they are getting worse. The site and around seem to be hurting more than when i first had it put in. Talked to the nurse she said that its the nerves around it and it can take up to a year before it gets any better. Just wonder if anyone else has had this problem and what helps if anything?? Thanks Stacy


Try Ice and Get Checked

by ela-girl - 2007-10-04 01:10:29

Hi, Stacy!

When was the last time you were checked post-op? Sounds like you should be checked again for good measure. If anything, you should be getting better! Not the opposite. Your incision area should not be any worse off than the day of surgery. In the meantime, you could try icing the site. That always helped me with pain, soreness, and itchiness, and I know that I've heard others on this site say the same.

Let us know what you find out!

I'm having the SAME symptoms!!

by AngeliaRS - 2007-10-04 06:10:38

Oct 10th will be 12 weeks post op for me. I'm having the exact same symptoms. I cannot get a nurse to call me back from the doctor's office (have tried for two weeks). I have "assumed" that it's still nerve endings and such waking up, but I really have no idea what's going on.

What brand is yours? model?

Mine doesn't really "hurt", per se, but it feels like a pinching sensation around the site, not ever directly on it. It's a very strange feeling.

Please let us know what you find out. If I ever have a nurse call me back, I'll let you know what I learn.

Good luck!


by Gellia2 - 2007-10-04 08:10:56

I guess I can join the growing crowd! I had a replacement on July 12th of this year and the area over the incision, and around it is still very tender to the touch. They have always explained this to me as the the more scar tissue you get, the more it will hurt. I've had 7 operations through the same scar and with each one the pain increased and the skin became a bit more "fixed" to my chest wall with less ability to stretch as I move. I now have inflammation in the collarbone, or under it. Ibuprofen works for me. My only solution would be placing the whole thing on the other side, but that is not a good option for me. So I take the ibuprofen and use both ice and heat.
I do hope you get some resolution to yours. I would never wait that long to speak to my dr or his nurse. They always return my call promptly. You need to speak to your dr about not being able to reach him. You are as important and any other single person he treats and deserve to be treated as such. Sometimes the squeaky wheel gets the most grease.
Best wishes to you,

Nerve Endings

by Bob Sr - 2007-10-04 12:10:56

Of course as somebody said here a day or so ago, anything is possible with a pacemaker, but I think you got a nurse that doesn't know doodly-squat about your pacemaker. I never heard of such thing and I see and have asked a lot of questions about pacemakers. No pacemaker incision site should hurt more than a couple of weeks and if it does something is probalby wrong. See your doctor.

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