do i imagine this!!!

hi all i am a really nervous pacer and im sure im not the only one,last night in bed i had really strange but scary was like one or two strong heartbeat and then a few fast ones together this went on all night long,its not happening this morning but im still feeling strange on and off ive had problems before ie leads coming out and pm needed to be reset a number of times im guessing that this is what the problem today is does anyone know why it needs to be reset ,,i never ask i do be so relieved to hear everything is ok that i run so fast out of the room and hug my kids.


do i imagine this

by SMITTY - 2007-09-24 01:09:35


When I have what you describe, I say I am having palpations, PVC, skip beats, or a combination thereof. While I've had episodes like that, mine never lasted more than a few hours and I had no discernable after effects.

But, the facts are that our heart, with or without a pacemaker, will throw these little fits every so often for no known reason. And I feel like I'm an expert on them because I've been going through these episodes and others since mid-March. Just last week I visited my cardiologist and I had a pacemaker checkup. The only information I got is “continue to take your medication and your pacemaker is fine.”

I will venture a guess that your pacemaker has nothing to do with causing these episodes. However, when in doubt call your doctor or go to the ER. Better that you make an unnecessary call or trip than to have your kids saying "I wish Mama had gone on to see the doctor."

I wish you the best.


Not your imagination

by bjmcpherren - 2007-09-26 09:09:59

I have had a PM for 30 years. Just got a new lead a couple weeks ago. I couldn't tell you how many times I have dealt with what you are going through and I am currently experiencing it. My doctor gave me a King of Hearts monitor to wear and record any weird episodes like what you are talking about. I go back in a couple weeks with my recordings and he will decide what to do - adjustments or meds?? Over the course of the 30 years often time the episodes go away on their own. Anxiety/stress/dehydration, lots of things can contribute to it and like Smitty said may not be you PM. Try to relax as best you can during these episodes - I have woken up in the middle of the night with a racing heart but then it calms down and everythings ok. Pay attention though to your symptoms and seek medical attention if things get to bad.


im sorted .....i hope

by pinkypie - 2007-09-27 08:09:05

thanks all,ive been to the doc and after talking stuff through with him i realised it eas stress and anxiety ive started taking meds three days ago and i have to say i have noticed a big change.i really just need to learn to relax

You know you're wired when...

You always have something close to your heart.

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