Still not myself

I had a dual chamber put in on May 24th with a diagnosis of SSS. I had passed out my whole life and it was always attributed to a vasovagal response as there was always a precipating event. I always felt good and had a high level of energy. The last time I passed out I was sitting at my desk at work eating lunch. The stress test and cardiac ultrasound were normal but the holter picked up a HR of 18 for several seconds. They told me a pacer was needed. In the initial weeks after surgery, I had absolutely no energy, had a headache every day and nerve pain down my left arm and up into my neck on the left side. My pacer is not under the muscle. My pacemaker is inserted very close to the left arm pit and when I cross my left arm to reach my right side, I feel the pacer sort of catch skin and I have to rotate my shoulder to release it. It doesn't really hurt but the feeling makes me feel somewhat nauseaus. There is also a very tender area right in the crease between the arm and chest area. I thought perhaps it needed to be moved over so went to the surgeon in July and told him how I felt. He checked it and pressed lightly and found the tender spot right away. He suggested I give it another 2-3 months, use the arm as normal as possible and put me on Zoloft. So now it is 3 mos since the pacer implant and I still am getting headaches, still have the nerve pain and still feel the pacer in my chest. I really don't want another surgery to move it. I wonder if anyone else has had these symptoms. I want to be able to forget the pacer is
there but it is still hard. Thank you
Pacer Lady


2 weeks post op

by mhkitchens - 2007-08-23 12:08:36

I have the same nerve symptoms in my left arm with nerve damage. I am hoping as time goes by they will subside. My pacer is also close to my arm pit. However, it does not catch when I reach accross my chest. Last night I must have slept wrong on it as I woke up with my upper arm throbbing like a tooth ache. I hope and pray that all of thes symptoms go away and my body gets back to normal.


Hi pacerlady

by rosep - 2007-08-29 05:08:53

I had my pm fitted in March - no headache or nerve pain but I have a similar tender spot between shoulder and pm- does yours feel worse when your arm and shoulder have been still for a while? I notice mine more when I have been sat in one position for a time, like at my desk at work -I think there may be some scar tissue around the pm that catches when this happens. However, it is getting better gradually and I don't notice it as much as I usd to. Or maybe I've just got used to it?
I still cannot lay on my left side but in last couple of weeks have manged to get to sleep on my right side which is a big relief- 6 months of trying to sleep on my back, and having to keep still to do that, and then making the pm "catch" more by doing so- it seems like a vicious circle at times, doesn't it? I had thought I would not have any awareness of my pm at all by now - I've reset this thought to six months down the line -here's hoping! Hope thngs with you improve too, and soon!


Dear Lady

by bjmcpherren - 2007-09-09 12:09:46

I have been searching this site for someone who has had issues with their arm and headaches. I just had a lead replacement 11 days ago. I have had a pacer for 30 years, I am on my 4th. Anyway, this has been a horrible recovery! My left arm is swollen and purple. They checked for a blood clot but found nothing. I have had severe headaches EVERYDAY since the surgery and I normally get very few headaches and when I do they are mild. Ibuprofren does not help, I have had to take Vicadin at night to get to sleep due the pain. Have you found out what is causing your arm pain and the headaches?

Let me know, I need help!

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Good luck with your surgery. It will improve life amazingly.