results of tests-send me your prayers

Hi Friends,

I posted recently about finding fast beats during a PM check on 11/5.

From there, I had an echo and then a chemical stress test.
My cardiologist called me this morning. They saw a small area in the front of my heart that is not circulating properly. So I am off to have a cath done on Monday at 6:15 AM.

My personality is such that I will be worried and scared to death.
I can't help it because that is just me. I know that if something goes wrong during this procedure I could land in the open heart room.

Hopefully, all will be answered with a stent or so.

Can anyone tell me the recovery time if a stent is placed?
How long until you can return to work? I am a teacher.

I always find peace and hope from you guys. I appreciate any help you can give me now.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart,


Hi Searchingwoman,

by Gellia2 - 2008-12-05 04:12:30

Hope this finds you with some easing in your worrying.
The only thing I can tell you is that I have a friend that just had three stents placed. He went in because he was having some chest pain and they decided a stent would do the trick.
He went in one morning, had his operation, stayed over night one night and went home the next morning. He did fine. He felt very well except for a teeny bit of discomfort in his groin where they fed the catheter, but I suspect that was to glean sympathy from my DH! LOL
He takes a blood thinner and goes for periodic check ups. That was three years ago and he's been fine.
I do hope all will go well for you. I'll be thinking of you on Monday and sending you all the best vibes in the world!
Best to you!

good luck

by Tracey_E - 2008-12-05 09:12:40

Cardiac caths are very low risk! the odds of ending up in open heart surgery from it are very minimal.

I know you can't lift for a few days, but other than that you should be able to go back to work pretty quickly. A friend of mine had one done last summer and two days later flew with three small children by herself. She needed help getting the luggage in the car, other than that she said she was fine.

hey searching

by walkerd - 2008-12-06 07:12:55

My brother had some stents put in and it was an outpatient thing that he had. Now im not for sure but if they think a stent will work Im almost sure they will do it after the cath reading is done. But my brother was off work a couple of days.
Now I will give you my story. Dont ignore what your body tells you. I had had bouts with what i thought was bronckitis, if i didnt take over the counter meds at home would go to gp and get antibotics. Had symptoms like pains in arm, chest pain, shortness of breath and passed them off as either working to hard or broncktis. In july of this year i thought I was getting broncktis again, took meds at home with no relief so i went to seven day a week clinc at my gps place, happens my gp was there and gave me antibotics. Two days later i was awoke at nite not being able to catch my breath and it scared the you know what out of me, I called gp in morning and he thought maybe it was going into phemonia, went in had some blood tests and he ordered a chest xray. The next day he calls and thinks i had congestive heart failure and wants me to come in for an blood tests. He calls the next day on friday and wants me to do an ecko on monday.
Calls me tuesday to come in puts me on water pills and coreg says im drowning in my own fluids and wants me to see a cardioligist in a city north of us. Friday im at gps and he is trying to get ahold of cardio since he couldnt get ahold of him all week, i was in getting more blood tests, he comes in and tells me they have a room for me at St. Joe in south bend to do a cath on monday. Have cath monday go back to my room and my cardio and a surgeon come in and tell me that I have one blockage at 100 percent one at 85 one at 80. They tell me that i may have had four or five heart attacks and had damaged half my heart and may need a transplant if bypass doesnt take. So my cardio wants to send me to a major hospital because they cant do the transplant if necessay. Half an hour later he comes in telling me that Indianapolis methodist has a room for me and will transport me via ambulance. Get down there have a test on tuesday and wednesday. and they oredered surgery for friday at seven am. Everything went fine and im sorry for rambling on with my story but i want to stress not to ignore what your body tells you. I did and compounded the issue. I guess what im saying is that the caths are fairly safe, and ending up in surgery from cath procedure is not likely, but no medical procedure is 100 percent perfected even tho they like to think so, but you shouldnt have anything to worry about the procedure, you dont feel it at least I didnt. My prayers will be with you as i recieved so many that i know they where answered for me to have a second chance. I dont care what anyone tells you about not worrying but its human nature to worry, but try not to worry alot, the procedure is safe. Good luck and hope the prognosis is good for you.
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