Uncomfortable all the time

Hi everyone, I had my pacemaker fitted 3 months ago now and am still feeling very sore inside. 

Is this usual ?

I am still very aware that I have this little machine fitted inside my chest, I can feel it all the time, when I stand up, when I sit down, when I'm walking around, when I am doing the washing up at the sink, when I'm driving.

I would like to forget that I have this, but it's soooooo uncomfortable all the time.

And sleeping is a nightmare, I just cannot get into a comfy position.

Can anyone help me please ?



by piglet22 - 2024-10-20 06:03:32


By 3 months into implantation, healing should have taken place. Certainly years in, there shouldn't be discomfort.

Speaking personally, I don't recall any long term discomfort including lying down or being active. I'm certainly not aware that it's even there, other than occasional checking that it's in the same place and the leads follow the same route.

The device could have a suture point that could irritate, but devices are designed to be as smooth as possible.

Maybe give it another week or so then contact your pacing team.

You should be getting a follow up review.

Also, do you have a home bedside monitor?

There's a tendency to move towards fewer face to face appointments and some health trusts may ask you to upload data, not call you back, so less opportunity to discuss problems. In face to face appointments, they usually like to look at your scar.

With the device inserted just under the skin, you can make out some of the detail. I can feel distinct features, which could irritate locally.

It would be helpful if you included the model of  device you have e.g. Medtronic Ensura and how many leads you have. All this should be on your device ID card.



by Good Dog - 2024-10-20 09:09:15

I do not think that some frequent prickly or short sharp pain at the pacemaker site within 3 to 6 months after implant is anything to be concerned about. Especially if it is a first time implant. Your body takes a long time to adjust to that foreign object being there and internal healing takes much longer that what we can see externally. As long as there is no significant redness, swelling or discharge at the site; not to worry. If there is; you should be seen ASAP. If the incision appears to be healing well, there should be no reason for concern from a little pain or irritation. My new generator (my 5th device) was implanted over 6 months ago and I still have some sensitivity to the touch at the site and surrounding it. My Doc had to suture it up to stabilize it since it had moved (dropped) in recent years.

However, as always; when in doubt or if you continue to be concerned, you can and should have your doc or his nurse take a look at it. 

I wish you the best!



No one is the same

by Babygirl0712 - 2024-10-20 14:33:04

I had my pacemaker implanted in 2021, and I still have pain and discomfort with it. I've spoken to my cardiologist, and he says it's normal. 
that being said, I am also a cancer survivor and have always been "under" weight. My device literally sticks out the side of my chest. I also suffer from neuropathy and chronic daily pain. I have issues wearing a bra strap, as it gets irritated very quickly. 
Being that you are only 3 months in, I think it's very normal to still have some issues. 
If it persists, and you genuinely have concerns, just reach out to your cardiologist. That's what they are there for. Mine is a gem! I bug him all the time with questions. 
good luck to you!! 

The other side...

by sgmfish - 2024-10-20 15:34:50

Most of the posts you are getting seem to be from folks who also feel pain.....that makes sense given that they would be interested. Just to let you know, there are those out here who feel no pain. I don't even know it's there. It irritates a little if I rub it, and it certainly protrudes a bit, but overall it is completely ignorable.

Personally I would not accept the level of pain you seem to be having. Perhaps you could wait another 3 months; if there is still pain then, I would have the doctors take a look. (Heck, I'd make an appointment at the point you are right now at 3 months!) 

No one is the same

by Lurker (Doc DX) - 2024-10-20 15:53:43

I must be odd man out. I never felt pain right from day one. For a few months it might have gotten a bit itchy and all I ever did was pass my fingers over the site not wanting to actually scratch it, and the itch would go away. 
I don't even know it's there although it lets me know when I walk up a flight of stairs and I have to sit down for a few seconds.

All the best going forward, I hope it's something simple. 

Hi and welcome

by Lavender - 2024-10-20 22:00:19

I'm sorry to hear you're still uncomfortable. We had a poll and it revealed that many pacemaker recipients have lingering pain more than what they expected. I was quite uncomfortable for seven months. I didn't need Tylenol more than a day or so, but I had lots of twitches and zings and trouble lying comfortably. 

I learned to pillow up. I lie on my side with a pillow between the legs, one under the head and a small one pressed up against my pacemaker. I have had my pacemaker three years. I only recently started being able to lie on the pacemaker side. I lean back a bit not fully leaning left. I had a lot of left arm pain which was fully resolved by therapeutic massage. Ice helped a lot in the early days, too. 

I do know my pacemaker is there but it's not uncomfortable. I do forget about it most of the day now. You will too, in time. God bless. 🍁💗

Thank you everyone for your comments

by Avril - 2024-10-21 08:12:01

Thank you everyone for your comments.

I actually talked to my Dr last week who said that it could take a year or more for me to get used to my Pacemaker, who by the way I call Jerry !!!

I have left a message with my Cardiologist to give me a call.  I would just like reassurance that everything is ok.  I am sure it is ok as I'm not having any more blackouts and generally feel ok.

Thank you everyone again.



by Lavender - 2024-10-21 08:56:16

Good you checked with your doc. Honestly some do have no pain but many take longer to get used to the pacemaker. Your pacemaker is working!  I never fainted again since I got mine. 
One day you will forget the pain and will sleep well. 🌻

You know you're wired when...

You have a $50,000 chest.

Member Quotes

Just because you have a device doesn't mean you are damaged goods and can't do anything worthwhile and have to lie down and die. In fact, you're better and stronger. You're bionic!