
Hello! is anyone a smoker?. I've had a pacemaker for two years and I smoke cigarettes. I talked to my cardiologist about the negative effects of smoking on pacemaker wearers and said that there are the same negative effects as for those who do not have a pacemaker , so it does not directly influence the functioning of the pacemaker. But i dont't know ..I would like to quit smoking to avoid complications but it's really hard .. 


Re: Smoking

by H van Dyk - 2024-10-16 19:43:09

Hi there,

I think that in a technical sense the pacemaker is not affected by smoking cigarettes. That being the good news, I'm sure you know that smoking is very bad for most of your organs, especially lungs and heart.
Why don't you contact your family doctor to start, or create, a program for ending this bad habit..? Nowadays there is even medication available to help you with your attempt.

Greetings from Amsterdam 


by Lavender - 2024-10-16 20:28:47

I'm sorry you're struggling with quitting. I forced myself to smoke in high school. It looked cool and a gal I admired taught me how. My parents would never have allowed that so it was done surreptitiously. I learned to lean way out and smoke out of the bedroom window. I smoked with friends, we shared drags on the same cigarette in the girls' bathroom at school between class til it was glowing hot. I smoked after I married. Then when I discovered I was pregnant...that very day I knew I had to quit. 

First I prayed about it. Then I got really busy because I had to do something with my hands. I missed the after dinner cigarette most so I scrubbed down the carpetted steps with a small brush after supper. My house was glowing, I was a cleaning fool. In a few days, I noticed that it wasn't so bad. I was getting used to it. 

In time I couldn't stand the smell of cigarettes and noticed others' breath smelled like an ash tray. I had become one of those dreaded former smokers...making everyone go outside to smoke. 

Honestly, I still have monthly lunches with up to thirty of my old high school mates and no one smokes anymore! 

So...pray for strength and May God remove the desire to smoke. It would probably be good to consult with your dr or at least the pharmacist for some smoking cessation help. 🤜🏻🤛🏻


by piglet22 - 2024-10-17 06:04:22

Years ago I used to smoke, but looking back, it was only because my mates did.

I can't think of anything good about cigarette smoking and however strong and urge it might be, very occasionally, the red flag appears.

The pacemaker gives you another chance of normal life, so why not help it along and say that's it and quit?

The list of nasties in cigarette smoke should put anyone off.

Direct inhalation of smoke, products of pyrolysis, tars, carbon monoxide just to get that bit of nicotine.

There have to be better and safer ways if you feel you need some calm.

We all need our stress busters so I'm not critising.

And think of the money you save.

Good luck 

stress on the heart

by Tracey_E - 2024-10-17 09:54:42

Our hearts are already wonky, that's why we are paced. The way I've always looked at it is, I can't do anything about the condition that left me with a pacer. What I DO have control over is keeping my heart otherwise healthy. Eating right so my arteries stay clear, exercising so my muscles stay strong. I'm going to fight in every way I can to stay healthy. Smoking is a stressor on the heart. 

There are tools and support groups. You have a new incentive to keep your heart healthy. Ask your doctor for resources. Good luck. 

Tried Meds to quit?

by jimbeam - 2024-10-20 00:06:33

I quit after smoking a pack/day for 20 years

Took Chantix for a month and poof, I was off - yes, I wanted to quit

It's banned now, check for replacements 

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