3D Scan


I would love ke to get my teeth straightened I am considering Invisalign, I would need a 3D imaging so they can make the moulds.

This is a new Dentist that i am seeing,he says it's fine but I wanted to check in with the forum and ask has anyone else had a 3D scan.

Thanks for reading 



Hi Moe

by Lavender - 2024-10-10 09:50:05

I'm thinking it's ok but you could contact your device manufacturer for more insight. You haven't filled that in your bio so I can't direct you there. 

it's fine

by Tracey_E - 2024-10-10 11:25:38

It's still an xray, so it is safe. MRI are the only thing we need to take precautions. 

3D Scan

by Lurker (Doc DX) - 2024-10-10 12:34:54

I just had that done a few months ago. No problem. Not sure why anymore 

i like where they drill a hole in your tooth take picture of it then put it up on a 40 inch tv screen. Yikes

Doc DX



3D scanning

by piglet22 - 2024-10-11 04:31:31

Normally the term 3D scan applies to an optical scan of an object by laser then producing a 3D image.

The scan data obtained can then be used for a 3D printer to produce a copy of the original object or modify it.

Surgeons now use 3D printed mock ups of things like hip joints.

You can also get a 3D image from a CT scan.

I don't know anything about the teeth scan, but if it's laser generated, it's not likely to affect your device.

Just make sure all concerned are aware of your device.

Good luck 

3 D scanning

by Insane Bolt - 2024-10-13 02:27:04

Hi! Had a 3 D scan on 8 Oct for bone graft. Like the other members have mentioned, just mention your device. Had had ywo 3 D scans since PM implant and had no trouble at all.

Take care

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