another hurricane in Florida

To let those who know me, i will be staying with a friend for this Hurricane as now am in a manadatory evacuation zone.

new to pace


That is awful news.

by Gemita - 2024-10-07 17:54:04

Oh Mary, that is worrying news.  I cannot believe this is happening so soon after Storm Helene.  

Stay safe and please keep in touch if you can xx

Be safe

by Lavender - 2024-10-07 18:01:08

Glad you have a place to stay. Praying that the damage isn't as bad as predicted. Hugs


by new to pace.... - 2024-10-07 19:36:31

Thank to you Gemita and Lavender for good wishes..  Since will not have a computer with me, the other gal does have a smart phone.  But i seem to get the alerts, will ahve to wait until i return  home hopefully once this passes in one or 2 days.

Did notify the pacemaker clinic so they would not worry when no nightly transmission.

new to pace


by piglet22 - 2024-10-07 19:46:13

It must be awful waiting for it to happen.

We had one hurricane here in UK in 1987.

That was bad enough. The power went off and I just remember the howl through the doors and watching the window glass bow in and out.

The day after looked like a bomb site and the builders merchants had long queues for roof tiles.

From an environmental point of view, this is a price we might have to pay for stirring up the oceans and atmosphere.

Good luck 



by new to pace.... - 2024-10-07 20:32:32

You are right Piglet22 the waiting is hard now we are not sure when we want to evacuate as the time keeps changing.  My feeling is we get settled in and wait. 

I know one time i put the battery radio on an it said where it landed.  Was not near me. so packed up and returned to my home.

new to pace

Stay Safe!

by Andiek11 - 2024-10-08 13:19:52

Glad to hear that you are heeding the warnings and going to a safer location.  Mother Nature's wrath can be fierce and she is not one to negotiate on intensity!  I've relatives in the Tampa area who are far enough inland as to not be under evaculation orders but are preparing for utility outtages and food / water supply chain issues.  My thoughts are with you all!!   

Thinking of You

by SeenBetterDays - 2024-10-09 08:32:40

So sorry to hear you are going through this New to Pace.  I have seen the satellite images on the TV news and can only imagine how worrying this must be.  Really glad that you have been able to move to a safer location in advance of the hurricane's arrival.  Thinking of you and hoping you will be able to return home soon.

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