Hot tubs, whirlpool tubs, saunas, steam rooms

Is there a safe temperature limit for either a hot tub or whirlpool tub? I've read no higher than 104 degrees for a hot tub. Would it be same for both. Also, how safe/unsafe would use of sauna or steam room be? I've had my PM for 4.5 years. 


Saunas etc

by piglet22 - 2024-10-04 05:03:08

Angry Sparrow 

I wonder what the specific reasons are for avoiding hot steamy situations.

Parts of the world experience high levels of heat and humidity routinely the; patients with respiratory problems use nebulisers with a high moisture content.

Do you avoid kitchens?

How does the hot tub differ from a bath? Circulating hot water with bubbles or whatever doesn't seem very hazardous..

I only had a sauna once when I got thoroughly cold in a February  Calgary. It was a shock to the system going from very cold to hot and steamy. But that was pre-pacemaker.

Vise versa, some people enjoy winter swimming which again is a thermal shock.

I don't know the reason, but where do you draw the line?

As you say, your heart is already damaged so I can understand why you might want to avoid additional stress

I must admit that I don't like the idea of getting into cold water and bath night in an unheated house put me off baths as well.

Keep well 


by Lavender - 2024-10-04 10:39:05

I used to love a hot tub soak and sauna. It seems though that I am now intolerant to heat. Since getting my pacemaker, even more so. 

Have you noticed getting too warm if the outside temperature or humidity rises?

Heat and Hearts

by Gotrhythm - 2024-10-04 15:43:18

A sauna will not harm your pacemaker.

However, heat is a significant source of stress for the heart.

I sugesst your consult your doctor, to determine what hot tub or sauna temperatures might best be avoided by you.

Hot tub

by sgmfish - 2024-10-04 15:52:55

I keep my hot tub at 106°F.....that is 2° above the normal upper limit (if you are clever at research, you can figure out how to do settings above the 104° limit at least on some brands).

I've never had a problem.

P.S. I suspect the reason folks are told stuff like this, as was suggested above, is about heat. I suspect the heat can cause fragile folks problems similar to heat stroke type exposures.

A Wake-up Call

by DoingMyBest - 2024-10-05 14:35:15

I agree with the others. Beware of hot tub syndrome caused heart disturbance.

Before I was first diagnosed with heart rhythm problems, I had an experience at a hot springs I won't forget. In the hot water I started feeling awful. I knew something wasn't right. I had to get out and cool off. I'd guess from the time it started until it ended was probably 90 minutes with maybe 15 minutes in the water.

Many years later after learning lots about heart issues I am now convinced I was either in a-fib or atrial flutter. Kinda scary since I was oblivious to these issues at the time. Now I stay away from soaking in hot water.

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