hurricane Helene

Just wanted to let those who know me from this site, that i did not have any storm damage. Live south of Tampa, Fl , not on the coast.

  In the yard the usual leaves and tips of small branches.  Hope others in the path of that storm are safe.

new to pace



by Lavender - 2024-09-27 22:41:54

Mary I am glad you were spared from damage!

So relieved

by Gemita - 2024-09-28 01:25:44

Mary, that is such a relief.  I was worried when I saw the news and the flooding and just assumed the worst.  How far are you away fom the Barrier Islands?   The structural damage caused by flooding to so many properties was awful.  Let us hope the rescue teams are getting to those most in need.

I have only witness one hurricane storm in my life and it was truly frightening, although I appreciate they are nothing unusual for you.


by piglet22 - 2024-09-28 05:21:15

When we see the destruction caused by hurricanes and tornads from the safety of the TV, we wonder how people get through the storms and clear up afterwards.

Florida and the Gulf of Mexico must be lovely places to live - the heating is on here in Sussex - but it comes at a price.

This includes the islands of the Carribbean.

In the UK we sometimes pick up the remains of west Atlantic storms and these are bad enough.

In 1987, the south of England had it's famous hurricane that caused a lot of damage, but not on the USA scale.

A couple of days ago, our Met Office issued a rare tornado warning. We had torrential rain and powerful gusts of wind. Extensive flooding in parts of England.

The volume of water held in clouds is staggering and of course it has to come from somewhere. That somewhere is the sea.

As the oceans slowly warm, more water evaporates. Warmer atmospheres hold more water vapour. Eventually that water gets dumped as rain.

In addition, the extra energy held in seas and atmosphere result in more destructive weather events.

What has this got to do with pacemakers?

With the introduction of home monitoring, we are dependent on a supply of electricity. I for one am registered with the power supply company as being a medical device user. I really ought to put the monitor on a backup power supply.

With existing heart conditions, we are more likely to require visits at short notice to hospitals and clinics.

There is divided opinion on climate change and where we are heading. I have no doubt that we are slowly damaging the very things we all depend on. We are uniquely lucky to be where we are and should not take our planet for granted.


by new to pace.... - 2024-09-28 07:39:01

To answer Gemita question about barrier islands, not far, a short drive.  I am at a 15' elevation from them.  Which is not much but it helps.

Even tho we get them often it is still a frightening experience as each one is different.  This time we did not get the  constant driving rains  like the preivous storm had.  My swimming pool did not get much more water in it, last time it was up even with the pool deck. 

Those who have the damage most start cleaning up and once everything is dry, if they have insurance contact them to start the repair process.  Because many years ago  the property owner would take the money and not repair if they could.  Put that money in their childrens college funds.  Now the repair money goes directly to the contractor and we get not can our hands on it.

Will know at my next quartely remote transmission if this one caused anymore AFib.  Suspect not as no one called me.  If i had a power failure the data is stored and would all be transmitted at my next nightly transmission.  

new to pace

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